Mailbox Monday

Another Monday, Another Mailbox!! This is a feature where we all share with each other the yummy books that showed up at our doors! WARNING: Mailbox Mondays can lead to extreme envy and GINORMOUS wishlists!!

This past week was a tad slow, BUT I did manage to snag a copy of Karen Harper's new novel, The Queen's Governess!  I have always had a soft spot for Elizabeth I's governess, Kat Ashley and can't wait to read a book just about her!

by Karen Harper

Release Date:  January 21, 2010

SYNOPSIS:  Katherine Ashley, the daughter of a poor country squire, happily secures an education and a place for herself in a noble household. But when Thomas Cromwell, a henchman for King Henry VIII, brings her to the royal court as a spy, Kat enters into a thrilling new world of the Tudor monarchs.

Freed from a life of espionage by Cromwell's downfall, Kat eventually befriends Anne Boleyn. As a dying favor to the doomed queen, Kat becomes governess and surrogate-mother to the young Elizabeth Tudor. Together they suffer bitter exile, assassination attempts, and imprisonment, barely escaping with their lives. But they do, and when Elizabeth is crowned, Kat continues to serve her, faithfully guarding all the queen's secrets (including Elizabeth's affair with the dashing Robert Dudley) . . . and ultimately emerging as the lifelong confidante and true mother-figure to Queen Elizabeth.

Acquired via Putnam Publishing

Pre-order:  PTTP's Amazon US Store | PTTP's Amazon UK Store



  1. That sounds like a great read. Happy Monday!

  2. This sounds like a great one...sometimes that one book can be soooo worth it! Enjoy!

  3. I can't wait to read this one as well!

  4. I really liked Harper's last book, so I'll have to be on the lookout for this one!

  5. I didn't receive anything in my mailbox :(. But this book is on my list too!

  6. Friendship, loyalty, and intrigue.It has the basic ingredients for a good book. I'll be so glad to get this copy and read it.

  7. Sounds like a good book, and I love your mailbox, Can I steal it?

    Cheli's Shelves

  8. It may have been a slow week, but it sounds like a good book!

    Diary of an Eccentric


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