color me a proud mama

I'd like to share with all of you a poem that my 13 year old daughter wrote for a class project.  It's based off of the poem, Mother to Son by Langston Hughes, and the assignment was to follow the format, but put your own spin on it. 

I seriously teared up when I read it last night and am still beaming with pride today.  Her talent never fails to impress and surprise me - I am so proud to be her mother. 

And now, without further ado, I bring to you the literary debut of my daughter, Bella...

Well, darling, I'll tell you:
Love for me ain't been no calm ocean
It's had sharks in it,
And urchins,
And jellyfish,
And turtles with no shells on their backs--
But all the time
I'se been swimming away,
And floating on currents,
And touching bouys,
And sometimes diving so deep
Where there ain't been no life.
So noe, don't you drown.
Don't you quit paddling
'Cause you are too tired.
Don't you stop now --
For I'se still swimmin', honey,
I'se still diving.
And love for me ain't no calm ocean.

Bella 2009 (photo by me)




  1. Lovely! You should be very proud :)

  2. That is simply wonderful and you just keep on smiling! Thanks for sharing this with us Amy.

  3. OMG! She is awesome!

  4. Congratulations...such profound thoughts at such a young age.

  5. Bella stands up to her name..Beautiful! What a creative and sensitive child- you have a lot to be proud of Amy! She is definitely creative- you keep nurturing that, Mom:)

    This poem made my day:)

  6. A true talent dear friend. I felt each and every word. (Hugs)Indigo

  7. That is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Nicely done. Mom, you may be featuring your daughter, the published author sooner than you think.

  9. Thirteen? Really? Keep your eye on that talented child! You must be so proud!

  10. You should be proud Amy! Bella's poem is just amazing!

  11. Amy, that is such a good poem. You SHOULD be a pround Mama!

  12. Holy moley that is completely utterly awesome.
    you must continue to inspire her.. encourage her.. congratulate and applaud her.. I hope she keeps her poetry within her forever and doesn't lose sight of the creativity.

  13. Wow. Bella truly has a gift, Amy. Be sure to keep encouraging her and inspiring her because I bet we will be doing reviews for her book one day! I am so impressed!

  14. You should be proud. That is a fabulous poem!!

  15. 13 going on 32? And she isn't even a mother yet. Very insightful and beautiful. Thanks for sharing -- it makes me want to return to my poetry days.


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