2010 Release: The Rebel Princess by Judith Koll Healey

by Judith Koll Healey

UK Release Date:  June 22, 2010
US Release Date: July 1, 2010

In this sequel to Healy's debut (The Canterbury Papers), set in 13th-century France, King Phillippe's sister, Princess Alaïs, is surprised by his request for advice regarding a mysterious note warning him to stay out of the affairs of Toulouse, where his cousin Raymond rules. When the pope's envoy arrives, begging Philippe to help fight a proto-Protestant religious sect called the Cathars in Raymond's territory, Philippe refuses—besides the warning, Philippe carries a grudge against Pope Innocent. When Alaïs's aunt Constance, along with a palace treasure, disappears, Alaïs defies the wishes of her betrothed, William, a Knight Templar, and rides southward with a few trusted knights to find answers and, maybe, a resolution to the conflict. Uncovering the plot against Toulouse, Alaïs is commanding but not stubborn, and Healey uses sumptuous detail to explore the courtly lives of spiritually frustrated medieval women; unfortunately, tedium sets in as it becomes clear that the princess's every hunch will turn out to be right.

Pre-order:  PTTP's Amazon US Store | PTTP's Amazon UK Store




  1. Hm does sound interesting, but I just keep wondering, true story or making it all up?

  2. Thanks so much for making the give-aways easy! I have been longing to read this one !

  3. Since this is a sequel and I have an OCD as far as reading books in order goes,lol, I think I better read The Canterbury Papers soon. I even own it.

  4. I think I enjoyed the Canterbury Papers more than this sequel, although that may be because it has been so long in coming out.

    Also that so many stories of the Cathars and that period in France have come out recently, I felt it was a story that I already knew.


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