Meet my new kitty!


This tiny bundle of love showed up at our door last week cold, wet and hungry.  We fell in love immediately and despite having 3 others we decided to keep her!  Yes....we are insane!  But, look at that face....who could say no to this sweet face? 

Her name is Jasta and she is about 6 weeks old and quite the toe biter!



  1. Awww, kitties know where they will be loved....

  2. Aawwwwwwww!!!!!! I love kitties!!!!! And that one is precious!
    Good luck with it & the others: I hope they all get along.
    I also love your new look ;)

  3. What a cutie...who could turn their head from that little furball?

  4. So cute! Kitties have a good sense for finding where cat people live :) Our three are all rescue cats and we take care of a few ferals, too.

  5. Jasta! You are so adorable! :) I wish you had shown up at MY door. Hee hee.

  6. OMG...she is gorgeous! I couldn't have turned her away either...and besides, cats choose us, not the other way around so you really had no choice, did you!??!?

  7. AWWW.. Jasta is sweet. I wouldn't have been able to resist that cute little face! I know she is happy to have found a loving forever home!

  8. awwwwwwww, she is ADORABLE! I want another kitty too! First I have to make sure that Alis is immunized against everything. Twice in the past when I got another kitten, my current cat got sick and died. Vet said most likely the kittens carried something that they were immune to themselves, but unfortunately the other cats were not. Not taking a chance the next time!

  9. She is so cute - I especially like her little white paws. I love kittens - I just wish I wasn't so darn allergic to them.

  10. Cute! Congratulations on the new addition!


  11. What a doll, and I am very partial to tabbies (they're little trouble makers.....)

  12. Awww... What a cute kitty! Who cold turn such a sweet little thing down?

  13. When a kitten selects you it generally ends up to be a very special relationship. Ask me how I know! We had 9 cats in the house at one point (I had 6, he had 2 and one found us). I still mourn the loss of that one very special kitten who wandered in one day! Congratulations!

  14. Awwwwww she is just precious!!! And you aren't insane at all we have 3 kitties of our own and one of them came up in our back yard just like that minus the rain lol. She is beautiful and I know she will be a blessing to you and your family and bless you all for taking her in that's awesome. :)

  15. Oh I love her. If I were not severely allergic, I'd be begging you to send her to me. Enjoy her and bless you for taking her in. It is for sure a win-win.

  16. Very cute! I am not really a cat person but when they are so little and cute, I could be!

  17. I think my heart broke a little, thanks for saving her :D

  18. Such an itsy bitsy cutie pie with the big big eyes- I'm in love!!

  19. Awwww, I'm in love!! She is an absolute doll, Amy! I don't blame you for keeping her. What a lucky little lady to have chosen your house.
    Enjoy your new family member!

  20. Did you notice your adorable cat looks EXACTLY like the ocelot kittens on zooborns?!!

  21. Awww, she is completely adorable! I couldn't say no either!

  22. SHE IS SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We would have done the same thing. CONGRATS on the newest addition to your furry family!

  23. That's a cute lil one! :)
    Hi Jasta, how you liking your new abode sweety!

  24. O my! I would have kept her too and I'm deathly allergic. She is so adorable!!

  25. I wouldn't be able to say no to that sweet face! Love her name!

    Congrats on the newest addition to your family!

  26. Jasta is so cute! Our Amanda likes to nibble on our toes too. LOL!

  27. I wouldn't have been able to resist this face either!


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