Future Release: The Book of Fires by Jane Borodale

by Jane Borodale

US Release Date:  January 21, 2010

SYNOPSIS:  It is 1752 and seventeen-year-old Agnes Trussel arrives in London pregnant with an unwanted child. Lost and frightened, she finds herself at the home of Mr. J. Blacklock, a brooding fireworks maker who hires Agnes as an apprentice. As she learns to make rockets, portfires, and fiery rain, she slowly gains his trust and joins his quest to make the most spectacular fireworks the world has ever seen.

Jane Borodale offers a masterful portrayal of a relationship as mysterious and tempestuous as any the Brontës conceived. Her portrait of 1750s London is unforgettable, from the grimy streets to the inner workings of a household where little is as it seems. Through it all, the clock is ticking, for Agnes's secret will not stay secret forever.
Book Trailer:



  1. This books sound really good. I just heard about it for the first time today from an email from the publisher. Of course, I couldn't pass this one up. I agreed to an ARC.

  2. Hello Amy – I’m an author and a fellow member of the Bookblogs site, and I wanted to invite you (and your readers) to join in my Blogsplash – there’s more information at http://www.fionarobyn.com/thawblogsplash.htm. Thanks for listening!

  3. Wow! Great trailer. I'll be looking for this.


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