2010 Release: She Wolves: The Notorious Queens of Medieval England

She Wolves: The Notorious Queens of Medieval England
by Elizabeth Norton

US Release Date:  May 1, 2010

She Wolves deals with the bad girls of England's medieval royal dynasties - the queens who earned themselves the reputation of being somehow notorious. Some of them are well known and have been the subject of biography - Eleanor of Aquitaine, Emma of Normandy, Isabella of France and Anne Boleyn, for example - others have not been written about outside academic journals. The appeal of these notorious queens, apart from their shared taste for witchcraft, murder, adultery and incest, is that because they were notorious they attracted a great deal of attention during their lifetimes. "She-Wolves" reveals much about the role of the medieval queen and the evolution of the role that led, ultimately, to the reign of Elizabeth I and a new concept of queenship.



  1. Blogger ate my comment!

    I had said that I covered Eleanor of Aquitaine and Anne Boleyn in ROYAL AFFAIRS as well as NOTORIOUS ROYAL MARRIAGES, though in ROYAL AFFAIRS, Eleanor is more of a bystander -- though she gets two entire chapters in NOTORIOUS ROYAL MARRIAGES devoted to each of her, well, notorious royal marriages. I also cover Isabella in ROYAL AFFAIRS (both her marriage and her extramarital affair), so I omitted her from NOTORIOUS ROYAL MARRIAGES because it would have been essentially the same chapter I'd already written.

    I wouldn't consider Anne a "medieval" queen since the Renaissance and humanism were already under way in England in the 1530s, but these strong and courageous women continue to fascinate us centuries later, there's no doubt about it!

  2. Ooh, this one looks interesting! It's on my wishlist now :)

  3. Ooh, good one. Would be good for the Women Unbound challenge, too :-)

  4. I. Cannot. Wait. It's going to be a long, cold winter.

  5. Ooh this looks good. I read Lise Hilton's book on Medieval Queens which was okay. All three women, Eleanor, Isabella and Anne will be featured in Scandalous Women.

  6. This sounds so interesting - and I agree that I wouldn't consider Anne Boleyn to be Medieval. And I LOVE the new look of the blog!

  7. This sounds so good!! You gotta love the She-wolves..they make reading all the more intriguing!
    Hey- love the new look:D

  8. The title totally cracks me up! I wonder why there are so many books about Eleanor lately.

  9. This looks very interesting. What a funny title!

  10. Ooh, I hope you get an ARC of this and then have a big give away and give me a copy. :)


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