Happy Birthday to Queen Mary I of England!

On this day in 1516, Mary Tudor was born to King Henry VIII and his first wife, Catherine of Aragon.

Mary later became Queen Mary I of England and also earned the charming nickname "Bloody Mary".


  1. Well I have a birthday dinner with some girlfriends tonight, so I will be sure to bring this to their attention! Maybe we should all have Bloody Mary's! lol

  2. Jo-Jo: oh my, that's perfect! Just don't order anyone's head chopped off and you should have a great night!

  3. Thanks for reminding us of this.

  4. Another great post. Oh, and yesterday was my son's birthday!

    I just nominated you for your blog (come check my site:)

  5. February is a huge month for the Tudors -- getting born, getting beheaded . . .

  6. They never look very happy in their pictures do they?

  7. I think the old children's nursery rhyme "Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow" has something to do with Mary Tudor, as I recall. I always felt sorry for her.


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