Sunday Salon

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving - mine was perfect!!  We returned late last night from Orlando after seeing our friends and family.  Had an awesome time, but glad to be home.

Thank you to everyone who sent their Thanksgiving wishes to me - book bloggers really are the nicest group of people!

Classic moment of the trip:  when explaining to family about my blog, my young cousin says, "Aunt do book reports...for fun?"  My "cool" aunt status has thus been revoked.

On to book news...we've driven down to Florida a few times since moving to Atlanta and each time we pass through Valdosta we see billboards for "$3 Book Sale, 250+ titles", but we haven't stopped there until this time.  It didn't turn out to be quite as glorious as they made it sound, mostly had religious books, which isn't my thing, but if it's your thing then you'd be in heaven (sorry, bad pun...come on people it's a joke).  I did manage to scrounge up the following:

Baudolino by Umberto Eco
The Traitor's Tale by Margaret Frazier (Amazon has wrong cover attached to this one)
Silent In The Grace by Deanna Raybourn
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
The Prince and The Pilgrim by Mary Stewart
The Observations by Jane Harris

I finished The Conqueror by Georgette Heyer on the trip and will be posting the review shortly.  Here's a one word version for you now...fantastic!  Next on my list is A Lady of Quality, another Heyer...this one looks promising...the first page already gives a giggle.  I just love her.


  1. I'm glad you liked The Conqueror. I thought it was great! I can't wait to see your review!


  2. Hot digity! I finished The Reluctant Widow last night (I'd give it the same one word review) and The Conqueror is only two or three books away.

  3. bwahahaha - I thought the pun was hysterical!

    I have The Thirteenth Tale in my pile....let's read it together.

  4. Book reports were always my favorite school assignment. I guess some astute teacher might have guessed I'd end up writing about them someday. I'm sure I'd have thought it was cool if my aunt did the same.

    I really liked The Thirteenth Tale and I have Baudolino sitting on my TBR pile, I look forward to hearing what you think!

  5. Lezlie...I won't keep you in suspense for too long.

    LH: I think you'll really enjoy it.

    Michele: it's a date!

    Meghan: how 'bout I adopt you, then at least I would have one person in my family that thought I was cool! Ha!


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