currently reading...Wicked Company by Ciji Ware

Regulars of this blog have heard me gush about my new favorite author Ciji Ware and thanks to Sourcebooks I am starting my third Ware book.  I'm a few chapters in already and so far, so good! 

I see from her website that the next book Sourcebooks will be re-issuing is A Race to Splendor and has a tentative release date of April 2011.  For more information click HERE.

by Ciji Ware

Release Date:  October 1, 2010

SYNOPSIS:   If Shakespeare had a little sister, she just might be like Sophie McGann.

Masterfully bringing to life the drama and intrigue of 18th century London, author Ciji Ware sweeps readers into the story of a woman determined to write her own destiny. A blend of Shakespeare's talent and Helen of Troy's beauty, Sophie McGann is a woman ahead of her time. She defies society and convention to pursue her dream of seeing her plays performed on the grand stages of London. When scandal threatens her future, it will take a leading man from her past to help Sophie reclaim the life she has fought so hard to achieve.



  1. This sounds really interesting!!

  2. Oh stupid fedex! They lost my copy :( I need to read a Ware book

  3. When ISLAND OF THE SWANS was reviewed, I added it to my list. Imagine my surprise when I found it in a box of books I was going through. When I bought it I had never heard of her, but the book looked good. I like the story line of this one. Sophie McGann sounds like a character I'd like to get to know.


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