the winner of the Susan Holloway Scott Giveaway Extravaganza is....

And now the announcement that you have all been waiting for!  The winner of the Susan Holloway Scott Giveaway Extravaganza is....

Audra from Unabridged Chick!!!

Congratulations, you are the winner of the entire Susan Holloway Scott collection, including her newest release The Countess and the King: A Novel of the Countess of Dorchester and King James II.

Thanks to all who entered and helped spread the word...we had almost 200 entries, so it was a fabulous turnout!

And a HUGE thanks to Susan Holloway Scott for providing the giveaway copies, you ROCK!



  1. My only response is this:


    Thank you Amy and Ms Scott -- I just loved chatting with the author and am so absolutely delighted to have won. I don't own any of Ms Scott's novels so this is such a huge treat. Thank you!!

  2. Congrats Audra! I enjoyed chatting as well, thanks!

  3. Congratulations, Audra. What a great prize package. Enjoy.

  4. Congrats Audra, you are in for a huge treat with these books!


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