2010 Release: Kings of the North by Cecelia Holland

by Cecelia Holland

Release Date:  July 6, 2010

SYNOPSIS:  Having fled from Constantinople, Raef Corbanson and his companions--Lief the Icelander, and Laissa, the young girl who they rescued from Constantinople--are cast up on shore in Normandy. Their goal is to return to Raef’s home in the Viking town of Jorvik in England.  Raef is back in his home territory, and his old friend and shipmate Sweyn Forkbeard is now King of Denmark--and soon to overthrow King Ethelred II of England. Raef’s connections throw him into the middle of the struggle between Sweyn, Ethelred, and Ethelred’s son Edward. Raef becomes foster father of Sweyn’s son Knut…who will become known as King Canute when he in turn takes the throne of England.




  1. I saw this the other day but couldn't find a summary for it. Sounds like it might be interesting.

  2. The book sound interesting. I just found an interesting one called Power of a Woman about Eleanore of Aquitaine, an amazing work of historical fiction. I can't seem to put it down.

  3. how fantastic! desiree is one of my favorite figures from this period! and the forever queen sounds wonderful. thank you for highlighting these!

  4. This is a segment of history I am not very familiar with. Hopefully this book will shed some light on it.


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