Mailbox Monday!


Another Monday, another Mailbox Monday post!  Here is what showed up in my mailbox.

From Michele at A Reader's Respite (cause she's cool like that) here to read her fantastic review.

From Rona Sharon...


From BookMooch:  The Spider King by Lawrence Schoonover...


From Borders...

For Mother's Day...

What showed up at your door?!

Mailbox Mondays are hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page.



  1. Oh Royal Blood looks like it will be a very good read!

    And what nice books you received for
    Mothers Day! :D

  2. They all look so good :D
    Wouldn't know where to start

  3. Great books. Happy reading :)

  4. Not only did you het some great books, the covers are amazing! I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover...but I do! These are great!

  5. I'm finally getting my turn at Galway Bay, I just picked it up from the Library after a two month wait. Everyone wants to read it, and more waiting behind me so its first on the list after I finish the doorstopper from Kathleen Winsor I'm in the middle of. And no, it's not Forever Amber, its another historcal she wrote in the 60's.

  6. Galway Bay was worth your wait! I loved every page of that book. Garden Spells is a cute story, quite enjoyable. Enjoy!

  7. oooh you've got some awesome ones there!
    Can't wait to see your reviews!

  8. Garden Spells is great! I've also got Galway Bay on my TBR pile. Enjoy your books!

  9. Galway Bay is wonderful.

    I am loving your MD gifts. (I am jealous)

    Congrats and ENJOY!!

  10. Enjoy those books sweetie! And happy belated Mom's Day. Twilight of Avalon is so yummy.

  11. Wonderful books in the mail, I also received Royal Blood.
    Happy reading ;O)

  12. Good Mother's Day haul! I hope you like the Ariana Franklin!

  13. Oh goodie! I hope you enjoy Galwasy Bay as much as I did!

  14. Wow, what a pile of great books. I loved Garden Spells. Royal Blood came into my house too. I hope you enjoy Galway Bay-it's such a great book.

  15. You're in for a treat with Galway Bay. I loved that book. My mailbox is here.

    Diary of an Eccentric


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