Booking Through Thursday...Book Gluttony? Guilty as charged....

Book Gluttony! Are your eyes bigger than your book belly? Do you have a habit of buying up books far quicker than you could possibly read them? Have you had to curb your book buying habits until you can catch up with yourself? Or are you a controlled buyer, only purchasing books when you have run out of things to read?
Lock me up and throw away the key, I am guilty as charged! Buying books is one of the top pleasures in my life and I'm afraid it always will be (sorry hubby)! I've made an effort this year and have been quite good at not binging on book purchases...most definitely the ARCs I receive help me get my fix. I feign blindness when I walk past a bookstore when it's not a good time to buy something, because once I'm in there you can't get me out! My poor husband feels like he lives in a library, but he's really great about it and humors me.

Hubby and I were talking about this same subject the other day as I was explaining what a TBR pile is. He says, "oh so, you have what like 20 books that you haven't read in your shelves?" I giggled and said as I walked away "yeah, something like that!". It's actually closer to 200, but who's counting?! He just can't wrap his head around why you would buy a book and not read it right away. Then again I can't fathom why he needs every single Pearl Jam concert on CD either, so I guess we're even =)

My motto: "He who dies with the most books, wins".

Booking Through Thursday hosted here.



  1. Yes :)
    may I have some more books please

  2. It is so hard for me to leave a bookstore/library without something. There's always a pile of books that I want! And I have parents who are shocked that I could buy more books when I have so many all to read. It's an addiction.

    And I don't want any therapy.

  3. Oh goodness...this is one area where I'm totally guilty of gluttony and totally untruthful to my husband! It's an addiction for sure. But, the good thing is that I'm more of a goner for older books especially memoirs...they're rarer to that's a real good thing (kind of puts the curb)!

  4. An addiction yes, but at least not a harmful one.

  5. Yup, I'm right there with you. It's a serious addiction. I just keep buying them and geez it's not like I don't get enough arc's as it is. I've started stockpiling them on the couch downstairs now. lol. And yet I bought a few more the other day. Glutton---oh yeh!

  6. I gave up buying books for awhile because I was being a glutton. But then I got three $10 B&N giftcards yesterday and bought two books ON THE SAME TOPIC! Ha ha.

  7. I've got at least 200 on my TBR pile, too -- probably more. Well, I guess I'll die with a book in my hand -- and I hope it's the raciest one I have when that happens!! Then they'll know what killed me!

  8. I am the bookmark in Amy's life!


  9. Books... my drug of choice. I work at a library and still buy books and have a TBR pile of over 300 or more. My husband is really cool about it...he built me 4 bookcases and when Christmas rolls around there is always a nice GC to Borders for me and books besides. And he's not a reader.

  10. I am so glad I am not the only one out there that does the same thing. I have promised myself i can not read the books I own untill I finish my Libary books but I keep getting new Libary books, I can not stop and I do not want to.

  11. My eyes are definitely bigger than something. I can't even begin to quantify my tbr pile. I have curbed buying and requesting (don't laugh, I just started), so I am hoping to just read from my library for a while.

  12. I've actually considered taking a speed reading class because I get so frustrated with how long it takes me to get through them. There are always so many more in piles waitingwaitingwaiting for me. I see here though that this seems to be a common theme. So many books, not enough time!

  13. I;m always sneaking into bookstores or book sections of stores and browsing. I spend hours and have countless TBR's. But it makes me feel better reading BTT's and finding people just as bad or worse then me. :) But I LOVE my books

  14. I sometimes wish I only had 20 unread books...I have 3 bookcases full and am guessing about 800! I love having them around though.


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