Interview with Sandra Worth, author of Pale Rose of England + GIVEAWAY

It is such an honor to bring you an interview with the talented and delightful Sandra Worth, author of the new (and phenomenal) book Pale Rose of England 

A huge thanks to Sandra for taking time out of her busy schedule to spend some time with us!  She has also graciously offered up a copy of Pale Rose of England to one of you lucky readers, so make sure you enter the giveaway at the end of the interview!

All of your books are set during the time of the War of the Roses, what is it about this time in history that compels you to write about it?

Amy, thank you for having me on Passages to the Past!

The Wars of the Roses is rich in the universal themes of love, hate, greed, justice, vengeance, idealism, friendship and heroism, and it impacted our modern age in dramatic ways, both culturally and politically. Human nature – good and bad – is writ large on the stage that was the Wars of the Roses, making it a very colorful era. To me, it has an Arthurian feel, maybe because Sir Thomas Malory wrote his tales of King Arthur’s court during this period, and probably drew on the news of his day to enrich his tales.

As an example of cultural impact, take the play we all love, Romeo and Juliet. I believe Shakespeare was inspired to write his famous play by the romance of John Neville, Lord Montagu, with his beloved Isobel that took place during the Wars of the Roses (Lady of the Roses). Then there is Prince Richard of Gloucester. I find an uncanny similarity between Richard’s love affair and the fairy tale we all cherish, Cinderella, where a prince rescues the girl he loves from the kitchen where she’s being held captive. (The Rose of York: Love & War).

I’ve even noticed shades of Harry Potter hovering over the period. Like Harry Potter, Richard of Gloucester was an orphan of famous parentage, alone in a dangerous world, facing choices from an early age. Thanks to the situation he found himself in, those choices had to be made without guidance; he had no one to rely on and he had to find his answers within himself. Like Harry Potter, the choices he made would affect his own life, and those of many others, changing the course of human history. Only in Richard’s case, it’s not fantasy; all true.

As for how the Wars of the Roses impacted our modern age politically, our U.S. democracy has its roots in this period with the laws protecting the innocent that were enacted by Richard III. (The Rose of York: Fall from Grace)

Catherine Gordon's life was a fascinating one, yet not one that was documented. How did you overcome this obstacle to write such a compelling portrait of such an enigmatic woman?

Only ten words that Catherine spoke were ever recorded for posterity. From these ten words and her refusal of a king’s gift, I had to derive my portrayal of her. I knew that she had to have been an incredibly spirited and remarkable woman to attract the love of a cold-hearted king, a dashing, romantic prince, and three powerful men, and to win the admiration of the nation that kept her captive. Beyond that, I had nothing. To be truthful, this was my most difficult book, because there was so little to go on. A great deal of my portrayal came from my own instincts about Catherine and the kind of woman she was.

You make a pretty convincing argument that Perkin was actually Richard of York, the lost prince. Do you think the mystery will ever be solved for certain?

Unfortunately, no. Too much information has been destroyed, and too much time has elapsed. We know where the Pretender was buried but his remains are lost to history, so there can never be any DNA testing. A seventeenth century chronicler went to his burial place and found no trace of him. It doesn’t mean he wasn’t buried there. It might simply be that Henry VII did not identity his grave, just as he didn’t identify the grave of his other enemy, King Richard III. The bottom line is unchanged. The mystery of the identity of “Perkin Warbeck” will forever remain speculation.

The best we can do is to perform a proper forensic examination of the bones in the urn that are said to belong to the little princes in the Tower. The 1934 examination that was done is flawed. The examiners didn’t even test for gender! By their own admission, they “knew” these were the bones of the princes and set out to prove their conclusion. If a DNA test is permitted on the bones in the urn, I expect it will show either 1) that these are not the bones of the two princes, or 2) that the results will come back inconclusive.

In either case, it wouldn’t solve the mystery, but it could give a new direction to the thrust of the speculation: namely, instead of saying they likely did NOT survive, it will be said that the princes—or one of them—may indeed HAVE survived, and that the Pretender known as “Perkin Warbeck” could really have been who he said he was—Richard, Duke of York.

What can we look forward to next from you?

For my Work-In-Progress I’ve gone further afield to a different time and different place, but one that is fraught with as much drama and turbulence as the Wars of the Roses in England. I’m dying to talk about it in more depth! My problem is that I’m superstitious. The time is not right until I complete my wip. That should be soon, though—I’m almost finished!

Who were/are your greatest writing influences?

For sure it was Anya Seton. What a wonderful writer! I loved her KATHERINE, and read everything she wrote. It “speaks” to me, as I imagine it does to many others because it’s a phenomenally successful book.

As a child, I loved the poems of many English and Latin poets—Coleridge, Keats, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Tennyson, Virgil, Horace, Catullus. I memorized my favorites, and can still recite some lines.

Have you always been a fan of historical fiction? What was the book that sealed your love of the genre?

I was always a fan of reading in general. But I became a fan of Historical Fiction when I discovered Any Seton’s KATHERINE. That book captured my heart like no other, and from then on I was enamored of HF.

And lastly, do you have words of wisdom for aspiring writers?

Revise, revise, revise! Keep writing. Never give up! The more you write, the better you become at writing. Persistence is the key. May the Force be with you!


Pale Rose of England
by Sandra Worth


It is 1497. The news of the survival of Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, has set royal houses ablaze with intrigue and rocked the fledgling Tudor dynasty. With the support of Scotland's King James IV, Richard-known to most of England as Perkin Warbeck-has come to reclaim his rightful crown from Henry Tudor. Stepping finally onto English soil, Lady Catherine Gordon has no doubt that her husband will succeed in his quest.

But rather than assuming the throne, Catherine would soon be prisoner of King Henry VII, and her beloved husband would be stamped as an imposter. With Richard facing execution for treason, Catherine, alone in the glittering but deadly Tudor Court, must find the courage to spurn a cruel monarch, shape her own destiny, and win the admiration of a nation.


- To enter, please leave a comment below and include your email address.
- Giveaway is open to US entries ONLY.
- For +1 additional entry each, please help spread the word by blogging, posting on sidebar, tweeting or posting on Facebook.  You can use the SHARE buttons below and please include the info in the comment section below.
- Giveaway ends on February 11th.




  1. Thank you for including me in your giveaway. =)

    tiredwkids at live dot com

  2. Looks like a really interesting book!

  3. That was an interesting interview. I love reading about that time period.

  4. Rena McGrath

    I loved The King's Daughter and The Lady of the Roses. Ms. Worth is a fabulous storyteller and the period in which the War of the Roses took place is my favorite. I'm excited that the new book is about Catherine Gordon who was the Pretender Perkin Warbeck's wife. She did have an extraordinary life lived between two courts. Please count me in this giveaway. I've shared about the book on facebook.

  5. Sounds like a great novel. I'm one of those who believes in the survival of the Princes. And, such a beautiful cover. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Thank you for the giveaway. Please enter me in contest. I would to read this book.

  7. I have never read any books set in the War of the Roses. It sounds like an interesting time period!
    Please enter me in the giveaway.


  8. I've been waiting for this to come out! Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. I'd love to read this. Thanks for the chance and for the interview!
    brnterri at gmail dot com

  10. Ooohhh, please enter me in the giveaway! I cannot wait to read this one! Thanks! :-)

    tiger_fan_1997 AT yahoo DOT com

  11. I would like to read this book one day, my last Yorkist book made me wonder about perkin and who he really was...I do wonder.

    Nice interview

  12. Great interview! I love the comparisons. mljcwsu at yahoo dot com

  13. It must have been so difficult to write this book, I admire Sandra Worth to bringing a portrait of Catherine Gordon's life with so little information. All she had was her action of the king and the portraits of those connected to her! I would really love to read this book. Such a challenge for any writer!!!


  14. I tweeted: Giveaway of " The Pale Rose of England'

    My Twitter name is Carolee888.


  15. Another new author for me!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for considering me for this giveaway!
    I would LOVE to win this book!
    Blessings and Smiles:)
    Charlotte Kay
    charsaltz at yahoo dot com

  16. I read a couple of book set during the War of the Roses and really enjoyed them. Thanks for the giveaway!

    shhhimreading at hotmail dot com

  17. This book has been on my TBR list for a while now! It looks like it will be a great read! Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Oh my gosh I want this one so bad. I have it on my Amazon wishlist and plan on buying it (if I don't win it of course) as soon as I have money to do so :). I have never read anything by Sandra Worth before, but the synopsis of the book and all the rave reviews I have read have prompted me to end this travesty (sorry, I am getting a little carried away :)). This was an excellent review and I cannot wait to read the book!

  19. I shared on Facebook!!/permalink.php?story_fbid=190590737637132&id=541104522.

  20. No need to enter me. I just wanted to say that these were some wonderful questions and I can't wait to hear what her next project is, because I loved this one.

  21. What a great interview! I am looking forward to getting this one! And I'm still trying to get the Rose of York series!

    robinbird_79 AT hotmail DOT com

  22. This looks fabulous!

  23. I would love to be entered! I love the Tudors!!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. I would love to read this book.


  25. I love Sandra Worth and would love to win her new book! Thanks for having it on offer as a prize.

  26. Wonderful interview, and I would love to read the book.

  27. It sounds fascinating! Count me in please!

  28. Tweet!!/LAMusing/status/32646091174318080

  29. Looks like a great book!
    I'll definitely share it to name is kdaze10


  30. I have liked reading English historical fiction ever since I did a term paper on Anne Boleyn my senior year in high school which was 50 years ago. Great review and I am looking forward to reading the book!

  31. Sorry forgot to leave email!
    rbooth43 at yahoo dot com

  32. I would so love to own a copy of this book. I have had the opportunity to chat briefly with Sandra Worth on Facebook telling her how very important her books are and that they should be required reading in schools. History can be so terribly dry, however, Ms. Worth's books bring this extraordinary time in history to life. Can you imagine the discussions in a classroom? I think both male and female students would love it! Sandra Worth is a treasure and her books as well.

  33. This is a new author for me but after reading the interview I'm off to check out her other books. I'm also adding "Katherine" to my TBR list. Thanks for the giveaway and interview. Count me in!


  34. Tweeted giveaway:!/MamaHendo3/status/32808946792144897


  35. Thanks for the chance to win this book. Love this era.

  36. Fantastic post! I have been so excited about Pale Rose of England, I've seen so many good reviews. And thank you for the giveaway opportunity as well!

    jmartinez0415 [at] gmail [dot] com

    I also tweeted about your post:!/crazylilcuban/status/32914267023876096

  37. Please enter me in the giveaway.

  38. Great interview! Loved your questions! Please enter me I'm dying to read this one!

    I also used the share buttons for twitter.



  39. This sounds like yet another fantastic book that you're introducing us to.

    Thanks for the giveaway,
    onebookshy at yahoo dot com

  40. What a wonderful interview! I'm really looking forward to this book!

    Thank you for the entry!

    wendysfictionaddiction at gmail dot com

  41. Tweeted!!/FctionAddiction

    wendysfictionaddiction at gmail dot com

  42. I so want to read this...
    I shared on:
    google buzzzzzzz

    It's on my sidebar

  43. I so want to read this...
    I shared on:
    google buzz

    It's on my sidebar at:

    Thanks so much!
    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  44. Please include me in your Giveaway! Charles II is one of my two favorite King's....Marilyn
    I will include this on FB for a second chance :)

  45. Thank you.

  46. Sandra Worth's novels are truly a work of art. Her careful research and interesting way of writing all keeps the reader hungry for more. I would so much love to win a copy of this novel.

  47. Wonderful interview! I'm so looking forward to reading this book. Sandra Worth never disappoints! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of her latest!

    geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com

  48. Really enjoyed the interview. I wonder how difficult and/or exciting it is for Sandra Worth to be leaving the War of the Roses, after so many years and books invested there, and going to a different time period and place. What a tantalizing tidbit to leave her readers with, waiting and wondering where her next book will take us!

    Thanks for this great giveaway!


  49. I love the Tudor stories! Can't wait to read this one!

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  50. I've heard so many wonderful things about this novel! I'm looking forward to it!

  51. Would love to win a copy of this book, thanks, Holly

  52. Count me in ! I love Sandra's writing !!

  53. After reading A Rose for the Crown, I'd love to read another book about Richard from a different point of view, especially his wife's...oh yeah!

  54. Have shared this giveaway on Twitter and Facebook ;)

  55. Have added the giveaway link to my blog sidebar...getting all caught up with all of your wonderful's a good thang :)

  56. The interview was extraordinary.... and I am expecting to win the book.. otherwise it is already in my Amazone list! I also posted in facebook!

  57. This looks excellent! Count me in for this contest and future read!

  58. This book is the first I have heard of Richard (Perkin Warbeck) and Lady Catherine Gordon. Following English royalty can be terribly confusing. I wasn't aware that someone claimed to be one of the princes in the Tower. This should be a most informative book. Sounds good.

    Lovely cover.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  59. I tweeted the giveaway at 1:15 AM on Feb. 7 as pbbearclaw.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  60. Shared the giveaway on Facebook as Patricia Barraclough at 1:16 AM +- on Feb. 7.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  61. I'm looking forward to another wonderful read from Sandra Worth. Thanks for sharing your vision with us.

  62. Thank you for another great contest! I have read two of Sanda Worth's other books and look forward to this newest one. My email address is THANKS!

  63. Please enter me in the giveaway! mljcwsu at yahoo dot com

  64. Im anxiously awaiting this book! I have seen tons of great reviews online.
    laura.leahj@ gmail dot com

  65. I've never read this author, sounds interesting

  66. Wonderful interview! Thank you for the giveaway!

  67. Very interesting interview. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  68. This is on my "To Read List" Please enter me and Thank You for the giveway!


  69. Please include me in your giveaway.

  70. Thanks for the chance to win this book!
    megalon22 at yahoo dot com

  71. I would love to read this book. Please enter me in the giveaway!

    bookloversarah1 at yahoo dot com

    Sarah E

  72. Tweeted:

    bookloversarah1 at yahoo dot com

    Sarah E

  73. Posted on Facebook:

    bookloversarah1 at yahoo dot com

    Sarah E


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