2010 Release: Claude & Camille: A Novel of Claude Monet by Stephanie Cowell

Release Date:  April 6, 2010

THE STORY OF THE NOVEL (via stephaniecowell.com):

In his early twenties, Claude Monet came to Paris, determined to make a success in painting. He quickly found poverty, obscurity and a beautiful upper-class girl Camille who threw away a life of privilege to be with him. He also made friends with a group of likewise unknown painters, often as poor as he was: Renoir, Pissarro, Degas, Bazille, Manet and Cezanne and somehow through every obstacle in the world kept them together until they began to be known as impressionists. But the years of struggle and life in wretched rooms with little food began to wear on his patience and Camille's endurance until even as he was beginning to sell his work, their passionate love was descending into tragedy and he was beginning to understand that he had never completely known her.

To read more, click here.

Other novels by Stephanie Cowell:  Marrying Mozart | The Players: A Novel of Young Shakespeare



  1. Ooh this looks excellent! Thanks for pointing this out! I love reading novels about artists!

  2. I've seen Camille Monet Sur Son Lit de Mort...it's really beautiful. You can see his love and sorrow.

  3. OOO, I love reading art novels, I've been coming across a lot lately!

  4. Oooh!

    I've always wanted to write a novel about those two! That's 100% sure I'll be reading it! :D Thanks for sharing!

  5. This book looks good!

    BTW, Amy, I have an award for you here: http://psychoticstate.blogspot.com/2009/09/lovely-blog-award.html

  6. Oh, can't wait for this one! Thanks for the heads-up, Amy!

  7. Sounds like a great book! I will have to see if I can grab a copy. I really like the cover as well.

  8. Oh, delicious! I love novels about painters - i.d., Lydia Cassatt reading the morning papers, and the fictional bio of Emily Carr I reviewed recently. I'll definitely be on the lookout for this one.


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