2010 Release: Lady of the Butterflies by Fiona Mountain

by Fiona Mountain

Release Date:  September 2, 2010

SYNOPSIS: On the ancient marshlands of Somerset - a place of mists and magic - a girl grows up in the shadow of the English Civil War, knowing that one day she will inherit the rich estate which belonged to her late mother. Her father, a stern but loving Puritan, once a distinguished soldier in Cromwell's army, fears for his daughter in the poisonous aftermath of the war, and for her vulnerability as an heiress. But above all he fears and misunderstands her scientific passion for butterflies. Eleanor Glanville was in fact destined to become one of the most famous entomologists in history, bequeathing her name to the rare butterfly which she discovered, the Glanville Fritillary. But not before she had endured a life of quite extraordinary vicissitude. Two marriages and an all-consuming love, which proved her undoing, a deep friendship with one of the great scientists of the day and finally, a trial for lunacy (on the grounds that no sane person would pursue butterflies) are all played out against the violent events of the Monmouth Rebellion and the vicious controversy over whether or not to drain the Somerset marshes. Now, if you drive down the M5, you will cross Kings Sedgemoor Drain - one of the first great ditches which reclaimed the land for farming and destroyed the precious habitat of the Glanville Fritillary.


  1. Love Passages to the past?

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    Historical Blogs: Fiction & Fact

  2. Sounds like a cool book. Ive been wondering when this was coming out.

  3. I saw this one a while back on Amazon. Looks interesting and you don't see a lot of fiction on this time period.

  4. Another on my list to look for. I wish more in our area read historical fiction. I help order for our county library and the books I like just wouldn't circulate. It just means I need to build my own library.

  5. This sounds really good! Thanks for the heads up, i'll have to add it to my wish list.

  6. I have a copy of this book in my bookshelf! It's been available in Australia for the past few months. How strange that there is such a large space of time between the release dates for this book, which is apparently very, very good.

  7. that was a good thing @hostname

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