2010 Release: Child of the Morning by Pauline Gedge

Child of the Morning
by Pauline Gedge

Release Date:  April 1, 2010

SYNOPSIS:  Based closely on historical events, this sensuously beautiful, astonishingly evocative novel tells the story of one of history’s most remarkable women—the first female Pharaoh of Egypt. Thirty-five centuries ago, Hatshepsut, the youngest daughter of the Pharaoh, was to marry her father’s illegitimate son and heir to the throne, Thothmes, in order to cleanse the bloodline in accordance with Egypt’s supreme law. Fearing his son’s incompetence, Hatshepsut’s father chose her as the heir—provided that the unprecedented ascension by a woman did not inspire the priests to commit treason or instill enough hatred in the envious heart of her half-brother and future consort to have her put to death. Rich in historical detail, this account recalls the rule of one of Egypt’s greatest queens who, under her father’s guidance, assumed the throne at the age of 15 and ruled brilliantly for more than two decades.

More books by Pauline Gedge:  Seer of Egypt | The Eagle and the Raven | The Twelth Transforming | House of Dreams | The Twice Born



  1. Ooooh, I love books about ancient Egypt. I will have to keep an eye out for this one.

  2. Ancient Egypt has always been an interest of mine. It had such a rich culture. Will be looking for this book.

  3. Don't like the cover on this one, but I am interested in the content!

  4. Ooooh-la-la, this sounds good. I enjoy reading about Ancient Egypt.

  5. After reading Moran's books, I've become totally fascinated with Pharoahs and ancient Egypt. This one sounds excellent too! Thanks:)

  6. This book is soooooo good!! I can't wait to get this reissue. I lost my somewhere over the years.


  7. I would like to read it. But the cover is quite horrid.

  8. I love to read anything about Ancient Egypt...this sounds like a good one!

  9. I love the sound of this. Always wanted to learn more about Hatshepsut. Thanks for the FYI :)

  10. I have always been fascinated with Hatsheput. Thanks for sharing.


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