Walk the Pope Joan Red Carpet with Donna Woolfolk Cross!

Who hasn't dreamed of walking the Red Carpet for a movie premier?  I know I have!  Well, 2 lucky people will have the chance to walk down the Pope Joan Red Carpet with Donna Woolfolk Cross and her family!  How cool is that?!

If you haven't gotten your hands on this fantastic book, you are missing out!  I just finished it and loved every second of it, as you can see from my 5-Star review.

To enter the contest you will need to purchase a copy of Pope Joan between now and July.  If you buy the book today, June 9th you will get 2 additional entries!!  See below for more details.

(from Donna Woolfolk Cross via (www.popejoan.com)

Here is how to submit your entry:

Buy a new copy of Pope Joan online (see above) or at a bookstore in June or July 2009. Make sure your receipt lists the title and date clearly. 
Enclose the receipt with:

  • your name
  • your location
  • your phone number
  • your email address
(Don't forget the contact information, or I won't be able to reach you if you are selected!) 
Mail your dated receipt with the title of the book, and your contact information to:

c/o Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency
216 East 75th Street
New York, New York 10021

Want more than one chance to win?

A purchase made Tuesday, June 9th will gain you TWO entries (i.e., I will duplicate your receipt so you have two chances). Multiple book purchases will each count as an entry (i.e, five books count as five entries, for I'll duplicate your receipt five times).

If you buy five books ON June 9th, you'll get ten entries--one for each book and then double that number for purchasing on the 9th (i.e. I'll duplicate your receipt ten times).

Remember, only receipts for purchase of new copies of the Three Rivers Press/Crown Publishing paperback edition of Pope Joan will be entered.

Receipts must be received by August 15th

We're sorry, but we cannot be responsible for delays by the post office.  The drawing will take place on Monday, August 17th and the winner will be notified right away.

I'll announce the winner in my August 2009 Email Update and also on book blogs. Whoever the winner is, I look forward to meeting you and your guest at the premiere!

Good luck everyone!!!


1 comment:

  1. Amy~ Received my copy of the duMaurier book. Thank you again so much. And I'm looking into buying a copy of this book. What fun!


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