my cup runneth over...

Hello to all my fabulous readers!  First, I would like to apologize for lack of posting this past week or so - my attention span has gone straight to hell!  But I've taken my Vitamin B today and the show will go on!  I'll also be catching up on commenting which has also been slack...I know, bad blogger!  So, forgive me if I overwhelm anyone during my mission to drastically reduce the 1000+ posts that are waiting for me in Google Reader!

I've received some great awards from some fantastic bloggers recently and would like to thank them all!  Outside of our little book blog world these awards may seem silly, but I love 'em and it means a lot to me that you like really, really like me!  So, here goes...

from TeddyRee at The Ecclectic Reader

from Jennifer at Just Jennifer Reading

from zetor at Mog's Blog & Susie Tudor Daughter at All Things Royal

from nichic at Obsessed with Books

from Marie at The Burton Review

from Suzanne at Chick with Books

Please do stop by these amazing blogs - they are some of my favorites!



  1. Congrats on your awards - they are well deserved!

  2. Wow you sure have some blog love there - well done & well deserved. Your blog is a fab place to visit!

  3. I second the congrats on your awards Amy! Well done!

  4. Congrats on the awards Amy-you deserve them. I'm behind on blogging too, both on my blog and comments. Oh well, such is life sometimes right.

  5. Congratulations! You totally deserve these! You are killing my TBR pile. I add more pretty much every time I read your blog. And don't worry...I am totally behind on my posts as well. Guess that's summer for you :)

  6. Congratulations on all your awards! You deserve them! I have only heard of The Burton Review and The Eclectic Reader so I am going to go check out the others now!


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