Chateaus or Bust! Chateau de Chantilly

The Antechamber

Grande Singerie (The Monkey Room)...Sitting rooms decorated with monkeys, apes and Chinese figures were fairly commonplace in mansion houses in the 18th century.

Chapelle (Chapel)

The Galerie des Actions de M. Le Prince (The Prince's Battle Gallery)

The Cabinet des Livres "The Book Room" houses 30,000 volumes, including 1,500 manuscripts and 11,500 printed books, mainly on the subjects of literature and history.

The Salon de Condé

Chambre de la duchesse (the Duchesse's bedroom)

Grands Appartements

Escalier d'Honneur (Staircase of Honour)

The Salle des Gardes (the Guardroom)

Galeries de Peintures (Galleries of Paintings)

Chateau de Chantilly official website.


  1. Gorgeous. You really should do some of America's castles sometimes. Say starting with The Hearst Castle in San Simeon?

  2. What a dream! I love this post! The book room and the Duchesses chamber...I could dir!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Gorgeous post! I stopped here once but happened to be a day they were closed. The gardens were open so we had a picnic on the lawn and kept driving. So thank you for letting me take a tour now!! Lovely photos.

  5. Exquisite!! Amy I want to be there!! Fantastic post...I just love these dreamy grandiose places:)

  6. How incredible! I really look forward to these posts Amy. My favorite is The Salon de Conde. I love the colors. You know I've noticed these castles or most had such a beautiful sense of color-most rooms, etc are so rich in color. Just beautiful.

  7. These castle photos never get old. If I wasn't paying attention you could put up the same photos week after week and I'd still love looking at them (of course I'm paying attention though). :)

    Love the book room - totally drooling over here.

  8. Lovely!! That book room is fantastic!

  9. Love love this post. I have to share it with my book club... can you imagine the utility bill? Awh...what a place..


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