Interview with Mimi Matthews, author of A Modest Independence

Hello, dear readers! Today on the blog I am so excited to be hosting an interview with Mimi Matthews! Mimi's blog tour for A MODEST INDEPENDENCE kicks off today! Follow along for reviews and giveaways!

My review will be up later today, so be sure to check back to see my thoughts!

Hello Mimi and welcome to Passages to the Past! Thanks so much for stopping by today to talk about A Modest Independence!

To begin, can you please tell us a little about yourself and your writing?

Thanks so much for having me! I write both historical non-fiction and historical romances. My romances are set in the Victorian era—usually mid-century—and often straddle the line between historical fiction and romance. I focus a lot on history and setting, and my characters are firmly rooted in the period.

What inspired you to write A Modest Independence?

When I finished writing The Matrimonial Advertisement, the first book in my Parish Orphans of Devon series, I knew the next book was going to be set partially in India. I really wanted to do the country justice, and to highlight the journey the characters go on, both physically and emotionally. I feel that Jenny’s struggle between independence and commitment is one that still resonates today. At least, among single women of my age.

What was your favorite scene to write?

My favorite scene to write was a sad scene toward the end that takes place at Shepheard’s Hotel. I’d say more, but it would spoil it!

What was the most difficult scene to write?

The scene in Jhansi where Tom and Jenny go to the mission. This was purely because I had to make something up about the location and being inaccurate irritated the heck out of me.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

It wasn’t a conscious decision. I started writing my stories down when I was very young. By thirteen, I’d written my first novel. When I was eighteen, that was the book that got me my first literary agent!

What does your daily writing routine look like?

It’s not very structured, I’m afraid. However, when I’m on deadline, I really crack down. If I know a manuscript is due to my editor, I can finish it in record time.

What has been your greatest challenge as a writer? Have you been able to overcome it?

Discipline is my greatest challenge. I am in awe of authors who can produce books every few months. I think I could write more if I was more disciplined.

Who are your writing inspirations?

I love 19th century authors like Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and the Brontës. I also find inspiration in the work of Georgette Heyer and Amanda Quick (aka Jayne Ann Krentz).

What was the first historical novel you read?

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. It’s still one of my favorite Austen novels.

What is the last historical novel you read?

Impossible Saints by Clarissa Harwood. I highly recommend it.

What are three things people may not know about you?

I’m a lawyer. I used to ride competitive dressage. A few years ago, I broke my neck (not horse related!).

What appeals to you most about your chosen genre?

There was just so much going on in the Victorian era. So many changes, from industrialization to the suffrage movement. I like to explore how characters navigate their way through it.

What historical time period do you gravitate towards the most with your personal reading?

Probably Regency with the occasional drift into Georgian or Edwardian novels.

What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

I like to spend time with my family and my pets. I also enjoy reading. Binge reading a really good series is my favorite.

Lastly, what are you working on next?

I have two projects in progress at the moment. First is the next Parish Orphans of Devon book. A Convenient Fiction—Alex Archer’s story—should be out in Fall of 2019. I’m also revising a Regency novel I wrote many years ago. I may release it this summer.

I cannot wait for your upcoming books, Mimi! Thank you for spending some time with us today!

A Modest Independence by Mimi Matthews

Publication Date: April 23, 2019
Perfectly Proper Press
eBook; 400 Pages

Series: Parish Orphans of Devon (Book #2)
Genre: Historical Romance

He Needed Peace…

Attorney Tom Finchley has spent his life using his devious intellect to solve the problems of others. As for his own problems, they’re nothing that a bit of calculated vengeance can’t remedy. But that’s all over now. He’s finally ready to put the past behind him and settle down to a quiet, uncomplicated life. If only he could find an equally uncomplicated woman.

She Wanted Adventure…

Former lady’s companion Jenny Holloway has just been given a modest independence. Now, all she wants is a bit of adventure. A chance to see the world and experience life far outside the restrictive limits of Victorian England. If she can discover the fate of the missing Earl of Castleton while she’s at it, so much the better.

From the gaslit streets of London to the lush tea gardens of colonial India, Jenny and Tom embark on an epic quest—and an equally epic romance. But even at the farthest edges of the British Empire, the past has a way of catching up with you…

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iTunesKobo

About the Author

USA Today bestselling author Mimi Matthews (A Victorian Lady’s Guide to Fashion and Beauty, The Matrimonial Advertisement) writes both historical non-fiction and traditional historical romances set in Victorian England. Her articles on nineteenth century history have been published on various academic and history sites, including the Victorian Web and the Journal of Victorian Culture, and are also syndicated weekly at BUST Magazine. In her other life, Mimi is an attorney. She resides in California with her family, which includes an Andalusian dressage horse, two Shelties, and two Siamese cats.

For more information, please visit Mimi Matthews’ website and blog. You can also connect with her on FacebookTwitterBookBubPinterestGoogle+, and Goodreads.

Blog Tour Schedule

Wednesday, May 1
Review & Interview at Passages to the Past

Thursday, May 2
Interview at Bookish Rantings

Friday, May 3
Review at Based on a True Story

Saturday, May 4
Feature at What Is That Book About
Review & Interview at Courtney Clark

Sunday, May 5
Feature at Comet Readings

Monday, May 6
Review at Pursuing Stacie

Tuesday, May 7
Feature at CelticLady's Reviews

Wednesday, May 8
Excerpt at Myths, Legends, Books & Coffee Pots

Thursday, May 9
Review & Excerpt at The Book Junkie Reads

Friday, May 10
Review at Amy's Booket List
Review at A Chick Who Reads
Feature at View from the Birdhouse


During the Blog Tour, we have two signed copies of A Modest Independence up for grabs! To enter, please see the Gleam form below.

Giveaway Rules

– Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm EST on May 10th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open to US residents only.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspicion of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– The winner has 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

A Modest Independence

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