2015 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge (Now Hosted by Passages to the Past!)

I am so thrilled to announce that Passages to the Past is now hosting the Historical Fiction Reading Challenge for 2015! The kind ladies at Historical Tapestry have passed the torch to me and I could not have been more honored to have been asked!

The challenge will run in the same way as it has at Historical Tapestry over the last couple of years.

Here are the Reading Challenge details:

Each month, a new post dedicated to the HF Challenge will be created. To participate, you only have to follow the rules:
  • Everyone can participate, even those who don't have a blog (you can add your book title and thoughts in the comment section if you wish)
  • Add the link(s) of your review(s) including your name and book title to the Mister Linky we’ll be adding to our monthly post (please, do not add your blog link, but the correct address that will guide us directly to your review)
  • Any sub-genre of historical fiction is accepted (Historical Romance, Historical Mystery, Historical Fantasy, Young Adult, etc.)
During the following 12 months you can choose one of the different reading levels:

20th century Reader - 2 books
Victorian Reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History - 25 books
Prehistoric - 50+ books

To join the challenge you only need to make a post about it, add your link in Mr. Linky below or just leave a link to your blog if you are not yet ready to post about it yet. If you don't have a blog you can just leave a comment for this post saying that you are joining.

*The January 2015 Mr. Linky will be posted in a separate post. The Mr. Lnky below is only for signing up for the Challenge itself.

The challenge runs from January 1st to December 31st, 2015.

I look forward to having you join me in reading and enjoying the best in historical fiction over the 12 months.

Don't forget to grab the Reading Challenge Button below! And please share about the Reading Challenge to your fellow friends and readers!


If you have any questions or comments please email Amy at passagestothepast@gmail.com.


  1. I'm in! :)


  2. I haven't participated in this challenge in a couple of years, but this year I'm going medieval! Thanks for hosting, Amy!

  3. I'll target 'Ancient History' level, Amy. Having gone all out to read 45 in 2014, I'm not sure I can stretch to Prehistoric. Not sure how to use the Mister Linky thing :-)

  4. Yay, so excited!! I'm in! I'm going for Ancient History. Thanks for hosting Amy!!

  5. Thanks for hosting Amy. This should be super fun. I'm shooting for the Ancient History level!

  6. I love this challenge and am aiming for the Prehistoric level this year. Thanks for hosting!

  7. I've never done one of these before but I'm looking forward to this. I'm not very techno savvy and don't have a blog so I'm hoping I can manage to use the 'puter and the dog and bone properly. I read lots but it's not all Historical Fiction so I'm going for Renaissance. Here goes ...

  8. Okay, I'm giving this a try. I'm not really one for challenges so this is my first one. Thanks for opportunity!

  9. I've never done an historical fiction challenge before but I read 20 last year so I'll go for the Ancient and stretch it 5 books. :-) I've added a ink to my Challenges page.

  10. YAY Amy, love the button. I've been doing this challenge for many years and I'm stepping it up a level this year picking Ancient History ... can't wait!!

  11. I didn't really participate in this last year, but I'm happy to be joining up again for 2015!

  12. So happy you're taking over -- was apprehensive when I saw no mention of it at Historical Tapestry!

  13. Congrats on the honor of receiving the passing of the baton on this one. I'm going for Renaissance Reader level.

  14. thanks for hosting, so fun to see again so many friends here

  15. Thank you so much for hosting this challenge, Amy. I first learned about it last year but didn't want to start mid-year. Yet, I look forward to challenging myself in 2015! I decided to go big and feet first with the Prehistoric Level and to focus on historical fiction based on WWII. Thanks again for this wonderful opportunity to participate in this challenge and explore historical fiction with fellow lovers of the genre. :)

  16. I haven't done a challenge in years because I usually know I'll never complete them but this is one challenge I'm pretty sure I'll succeed at. Lol. I'm going for Ancient History!

  17. I'm going for the medieval/15 books.
    Thanks for hosting!

  18. Always a favorite! Thanks for hosting.

  19. I always love this challenge. Thanks for hosting! I'm sticking with the Victorian Reader level, but would love to make it to the Renaissance.

  20. Thanks for hosting Amy. I'm looking forward to reading more historical fiction this year - going for the Ancient History level.

  21. That button caught my eye! I'm going for Renaissance. Thanks for hosting, Amy.

  22. This looks like a lot of fun! :D I'll definitely be taking part.

    (I don't know whether I'm just being dumb, but I can't seem to find the link to add my sign up post!)

    1. Sorry about that Jess, you should be able to see the Mr. Linky section now. If you don't please let me know!

    2. I couldn't either - I thought it might have been just me!

  23. Hello - I've not done one of these challenges before, but I'm reading quite alot of historical fiction these days, so I thought I'd give it a go. I'll even jump in at the Ancient History level, and I'm wondering if I might make it to Prehistoric... I'm looking forward to this (and to seeing how it all works!), thank you for hosting it!

  24. I did this several years back. Excited to join the challenge again for this year! Thanks for hosting it, Amy.

  25. Another challenge that I can't resist. Looks like fun!

  26. I don't have a blog but read lots of historical fiction so thought I would join in this challenge in 2015. Looking forward to reading other reviews and seeing what people are reading. Thanks for hosting this Amy.

  27. I'm in! This is the first time I try this challenge, and I'm very excited!
    Thanks for hosting it!

  28. I'm in girlfriend! You're the only challenge I'm doing. Promise to write back soon and let you know where I've been :) Miss you and hope all is well.

  29. I'm so excited. I am going to try the Renaissance Reader – 10 books. I would join in this challenge in 2015. Looking forward to reading other reviews and seeing what people are reading. Thank you so much for hosting it!

  30. I'm in! Looking forward to participating in this challenge. My goal is to read at least 5 historical fictions this year (Victorian Reader). Congrats on being chosen to host.

  31. I've just signed up for the Medieval level of the challenge and am really looking forward to it :-)

  32. My favorite challenge since historical fiction is my favorite genre--will aim to be a medievalist again this year!

  33. I attempted to do this challenge last year, and while I totally made Medieval Level, I completely flaked on keeping up with the reviews and linking back. Hoping to change this effective immediately. ;) Thanks for keeping this wonderful challenge going!

  34. Amy you are my hero. Thanks for resurrecting the challenge. I am signing up for the Victorian level of 10 books. Thanks again, Laurel Ann

  35. Thank you so much for hosting so this great challenge can continue! I was so worried that I wasn't going to get a chance to do it this year.

  36. I'll take part for my third time, when I get a post going. I also welcome everyone to my own three challenge themes; not heard of widely enough but commencing their second year on February 1st! I avoid Christmas-visiting season. ;) Join me too. Carolyn. https://cmriedel.wordpress.com/riedel-challenges-2015/

  37. I don't have a blog but do have a challenge page on Facebook (52 Books in 52 Weeks Challenge 2015). I would like to join this at the medieval level (15 books).

  38. Thanks for hosting! I'm going to try for Victorian, but will definitely achieve Modern. Happy reading to all!

  39. OK, I'm a complete head case. I just posted a review link in the list for sign-ups. There doesn't seem to be a way to delete it. Very sorry.

  40. Thank you for hosting this challenge. I'm taking part for the first time and have opted for Prehistoric (50+).

  41. Thanks for hosting this challenge. I look forward to my first ever historical fiction challenge. I am choosing to tackle medieval as my first try.

  42. Okay, ready to tackle the medieval category for the first time. This challenge should be fun!

  43. I'm excited to be back blogging! I'm shooting for Ancient History. So glad to be back interacting with you and everyone on the blogs and not just goodreads.

  44. Hi, Amy! I'm so excited to be apart of this reading challenge! Thanks for hosting. On a side note- I noticed you have Rebel Queen by Michelle Moran shown as being published on February 3 as well as March 3. I have a finished reading copy of this for review, and thought it was not being released until March 3. Is a different cover version coming out earlier here in the states? Thanks for your help! :-)

  45. I've never done a challenge before so I'll start easy as a Renaissance Reader.

  46. I am in and invite all of you to join me as well! The year of my three runs from February, so we can focus on visiting at Christmas and the new year. https://cmriedel.wordpress.com/riedel-challenges-2015/

  47. Remember not seeing any way to register when I first saw the announcement of the change in hosts, so guess I'll register now! (February 10, 2015!) :) Renaissance I should be able to complete, but hopefully, Medieval!

  48. Hullo, I was away through January and am just catching up on the admin chaos of doing that. I tried an historical reading challenge last year and failed miserably. However, I do read and write historical romance, so I would like to have another go. I'll aim low - Victorian Reader and hope to improve.

  49. Hi I will go crazy and do the Prehistoric - 50+ books level

  50. Ok, I am starting a bit late. It's March 8th and I am aiming for Renaissance Reader - 10 books. My concentration will be about Africa. The first book is Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.

  51. Here is my link for the Historical Fiction Book Challenge 2015. I hope there is nothing wrong. Willing to make corrections. teakettle58@yahoo.com

  52. Neverhome by Laird Hunt (http://books-n-music.blogspot.com/2015/03/home-where-heart-is-or-not.html) was a unique reading experience for me. Not one of my all-time favorites by any means, but a rather quick read, powerful, intense, but overall bleak and dreary with little hope that I could discern. He has quite a unique writing style and I would be interested to read some of his other books just to compare.

  53. I'm late to the party but can I still play? Looks like lots of fun!!

  54. I'm late joining this challenge as well, but I will be optimistic and aim for at least "Ancient History - 25 books" for the remainder of 2015 :) Link to post: https://ladiesofyore.wordpress.com/2015/05/25/coming-up-this-week/

  55. Coming in late but eager to join in.

  56. Late finding this as well, but I would like to join. Don't read a lot of historical fiction, but have found several books lately that intrigue me. I'd like to begin with Victorian reader (5) and then can move up if I am able to do more. No blog, but will comment on site as I finish books. Looking forward to this. Thanks.

  57. Very VERY late, I can't believe I've never heard of this before! I do a series on my blog called Travel Fiction, which is almost entirely historical, so I'm very excited to find more ideas! I'll definitely be following the last few months of this challenge, hopefully I can catch up with everyone else!

  58. Are you going to be having this challenge next year? The last two years I did two different Historical Fiction challenges, but both seemed to have disappeared. I'd like to do this one, if you have it next year.


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