New Release: God Save the King by Laura Purcell

Thanks to Jenny Q from Let Them Read Books and Historical Editorial for posting about the release of God Save the King by Laura Purcell, a novel which Jenny edited!  I already ordered a copy for my Kindle and can't wait to read it! 

God Save the King
by Laura Purcell

Publication Date:  11.7.12
Nightflame Books


London, 1788. The calm order of Queen Charlotte’s court is shattered by screams. Her beloved husband, England’s King, has gone mad. 

Left alone with thirteen children and a country at war, Charlotte must fight to hold her husband’s throne in a time of revolutionary fever. But it is not just the guillotine that Charlotte fears: it is the King himself. 

Her six daughters are desperate to escape their palace asylum. Their only chance lies in a good marriage, but no Prince wants the daughter of a madman. They are forced to take love wherever they can find it – with devastating consequences. 

The moving true story of George III’s madness and the women whose lives it destroyed. 



  1. ooooh! This sounds wonderful. It just went on my TBR list!

    Kinx's Book Nook

  2. Hmmm, sounds like a good one. Not a topic I've seen a book on previously.

  3. It looks so good -- can't wait to read it!

  4. I am getting ready to go on holidays and this is on my ereader already. Sounds like a good one, can't wait to read it!

  5. This sounds really good! Thanks for the teaser post!

  6. This sounds so sad :( but onto the WishList it goes :)

  7. Like everyone above, this just went on the wishlist. :) Thank you for showcasing it, Amy. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  8. This looks great! Finally, some new historical fiction about Queen Charlotte! :D


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