2 Copy Giveaway: The Shadow Queen by Rebecca Dean (US Only)

Today I am highlighting the new novel from Rebecca Dean, THE SHADOW QUEEN: A Novel of Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor, which was released this past Tuesday and thanks to Random House I also have 2 copies to give away! 

 Publication Date: August 14, 2012 | Broadway | 432p


Set against a background of high society, royal circles, and diplomatic intrigue, THE SHADOW QUEEN: A Novel of Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor by Rebecca Dean, the acclaimed author of previous historical novels Palace Circle and The Golden Prince, features one of the most fascinating and controversial women of the 20th century. Scores of biographies, movies (including the latest from Madonna, W.E.), and plays have been written about Wallis Simpson, the American socialite, for whom Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor abdicated his throne in order to marry her, forever changing the course of British history, and yet she remains an enigma.

In THE SHADOW QUEEN we are introduced to the real Wallis (given name Bessie Wallis Warfield) who was born into a poor, disgraced, southern family and thought of by the relatives as the outsider, the poor relation. In order to be seen as the Southern belle she so desperately wants to be, she relies on the charity of her rich relatives, whose dearest wish is to alienate her from her poverty-stricken, but loving mother. These early childhood experiences forge steel into Wallis, and, a survivor on a grand scale with a charm and sassiness few can resist, she embarks on a life that takes her from being the mistress of men in Washington’s highest diplomatic circles, to risking her life as a U.S. spy in war-torn China.

Wherever she goes and whoever she is with, there is always in her pocketbook a newspaper clipping of Britain’s golden-haired, fairy-tale-handsome Prince of Wales. For millions of girls worldwide, Edward is the impossible, unattainable dream. Wallis, however, has never believed anything to be impossible or unattainable, and sets out to conquer the man who will very soon become the country’s king. A story based on impeccable research, we meet the woman for whom Prince Edward abdicated his throne. It's a tale of loss, heartache, and the ultimate test of how far a Prince will go for love. 


- To enter, please leave a comment below and include your email address (only comments with email addresses will be entered in the giveaway).
- +5 additional entries become a follower of Passages to the Past. If you are already a follower you will automatically receive the bonus entries. 
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- +1 additional entry each, please help spread the word by blogging, posting on sidebar, tweeting or posting this giveaway on Facebook or Google+.  You can use the SHARE buttons below.
- Giveaway ends on August 27th. 



  1. My mother was always fascinated with her. She thought that was quite a woman for a person to give up being King to marry her. So, I am very cuirous about her.


  2. So sorry, I forgot to do the rest! Tired today!

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  3. I'm really interested in reading this -Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!

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    My email is katherinegypson(at)yahoo(dot)com

  4. Sounds great! Brandysmile_2@yahoo.com

  5. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I follow you with RSS feed, and on FB and Twitter.
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  6. My mother had a scrapbook she passed on to me about their story as well as the other royals.
    I would so love to read it now.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    kathlingram(at)copper(dot) net

  7. Sounds very interesting ; )

    +5 FB

  8. I've recently begun to read more "modern" English novels set around Edward and Wallis. I would love to read more about Wallis though - for a man to give up being King, there must have been something unique about her.

    +5 GFC Follower


  9. Another fascinating giveaway! I don't know much about Wallis Simpson, but I'd love to learn more.
    Many thanks, Jo Ann Butler

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  10. definitely sounds like a book i would enjoy!!
    thank you for the giveaway!!

    cyn209 at juno dot com

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  11. I am so excited about this book!

    lafra86 at gmail dot com

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    Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. I would absolutely love to read this one, and I'm a follower.


  13. I've never read anything about Wallis Simpson, but I have always been fascinated by her. Thank you for thegiveawaY! Lindseyaylward@yahoo.com

  14. Great Giveaway! Please enter me... I'm a follower.


  15. I'm not much of a fan of Wallis Simpson, but I love reading HF set in this era, just before the start of WWII. Thanks for the giveaway.

    +5 Google follower


  16. The story of Wallis Simpson has always been really fascinating to me. I'm actually surprised there isn't more historical fiction about her!

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  17. I'd love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  18. I've read many things in passing about Wallis Simpson. The brief rundown of her life tempts me to read this book. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a follower.

    nanze55 at hotmail dot com

  19. I would love to learn more about her. Thanks for the giveaway!

    +5 GFC follower
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  20. When my mother told me about the king who gave up his throne for "the woman [he] loved", it was hard to belive! But I think Edward was a bit too rash. He should have waited until the furor had died down. But I think he never wanted to be king at all.

    Please enter me.
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  21. This time period is so popular right now.

    I shared on

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    kaiminani at gmail dot com

  22. Thank you for the chance to win this book. I have looking forward to this book.
    +5 follower – griperang
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  23. I've always been a Royalist and enjoy reading everything I can get my hands on about all of them. I have read numerous books about Wallis Simpson and she continues to intrigue me. Was she really the villain that she has always been portrayed to be or a woman truly in love? As her marriage to Edward lasted for many years in relative obscurity, I'm inclined to believe it was true love for both of them.

    I've been eyeing this book since I first read about it and it is most definitely on my Wish List.

  24. Well, I got so carried about commenting that I forgot to add my other information.

    Connie Fischer

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  25. I think Edward never wanted to be King, so he picked the cowardly way out and found a divorced wonen.
    I am a follower of Passages of the Past
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  26. I would love to win a copy of The Shadow Queen. I follow on the web, on facebook and email.

  27. This looks like a really great book. Thanks for the opportunity to win.


    +5 GFC follower
    +3 Twitter follower

  28. This sounds like an awesome read. Please enter me in contest. I am a follower and email subscriber. Tore923@aol.com

  29. I have been very interested in this book - it is such an interesting period of British history. Please enter me!

    Follower of PTTP & Facebook & Twitter. I also tweeted https://twitter.com/dolleygurl/status/236608737698254848.


  30. Even if I don't win a copy, I'll be getting this book!
    -Shelli C. mljcwsu at yahoo dot com

  31. I am a subscriber, follow on Facebook and Twitter too!
    Shelli C. mljcwsu at yahoo dot com

  32. The story of Wallis Simpson has always fascinated me.
    I follow via email.

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  33. Their story continues to fascinate the world. I would love to read this book! I know his story but not hers.
    Thank you for a great giveaway!
    PhoenixCarvelli at gmail dot com
    I follow by email.
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  34. I've always been fascinated by Wallis Simpson. Most of the history books to paint her in a very flattering light. She is kind of a more modern version of Anne Boleyn the way some historians talk (with a less tragic end of course).

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  35. kimberlee_gibbs@live.com

    Just found this blog and I am already in love..

  36. I absolutely love this cover!

    GFC: Twisty J
    FB Group: Jaime H.


  37. I would love to win this book!
    I already follow you on FB and follow your blog.


  38. This sounds like a very interesting read!

    I follow on Google Reader.


  39. It looks like an interesting book.
    I follow on
    GFC Maureen
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  40. The description of the book you've given in the blog has certainly piqued my interest--sign me up please!
    I also follow your blog and your Facebook page as well.


  41. This book sounds really interesting. I would love to win a copy.
    Thank you for offering the giveaway. I follow on the web, on facebook and email.


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