2 Copy Giveaway: The Stolen Bride by Tony Hays

Thanks to the ever-so-generous Tony Hays, Passages to the Past has two hardcover copies of his latest Arthurian mystery novel, THE STOLEN BRIDE, up for grabs!

Publication Date:  April 10, 2012 | Forge Books | 352p

Malgwyn ap Cuneglas is counselor to Arthur, High King of the Britons. When he accompanies his liege to the West to broker a deal between warring tribes they come across a scene of utmost depravity and murder to sicken even the most battle-hardened warrior. Things don’t get any better when they finally arrive at their destination to discover that King Doged is fighting to keep his kingdom safe from both Saxons from abroad and younger nobles vying for power. Doged loses that fight when shortly after Arthur and his counselor arrive, he is murdered. His young wife, defenseless and alone, appeals to Arthur to find her husband’s killer. Arthur quickly agrees and Malgwyn is given this almost impossible task.

Why would Arthur be so interested in helping keep this small region stable and under the High King influence? Perhaps because Doged’s people had discovered caves that might contain huge veins of gold….

The Stolen Bride is the next masterpiece in Tony Hays's critically acclaimed Arthurian mystery series.

For more information on Tony Hays and his novels, please visit his WEBSITE.

Giveaway Information

- To enter, please leave a comment below and include your email address (only comments with email addresses will be entered in the giveaway).
- Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY.
- +5 additional entries become a follower of Passages to the Past. If you are already a follower you will automatically receive the bonus entries. 
- +3 additional entries join the Passages to the Past FB Page.
- +3 additional entries follow me on Twitter.
- +1 additional entry each, please help spread the word by blogging, posting on sidebar, tweeting or posting this giveaway on Facebook or Google+.  You can use the SHARE buttons below.
- Giveaway ends on April 9th.


  1. Please enter me. fplastini@yahoo.com

  2. I follow Passages of the Past, blog, fb and twitter. I shared on fb and twitter.

    Thanks for the giveaway..!!!

  3. Hey I'm the first one here.
    OK, I'll leave a comment.
    Thanks Tony for putting up a couple of copies for your fans and thanks also to PttP for hosting the event.
    my email is: carlscott(at)prodigy(dot)net(dot)mx
    I follow by email at the above address.
    I am also a fan on the Facebook page: Carl Scott
    and I follow on Twitter as well: @carlrscott.
    I tweeted about the giveaway too: https://twitter.com/#!/carlrscott/status/186708178178813952
    So I've fulfilled all the requirements for the maximum 13 entries. Let's make a lucky thirteener the winner this time!

  4. The first book of this series is on my TBR, and after reading this post, I plan to start it real soon. I love the era of the Arthur legends. Thanks for the giveaway.
    5 extra entries - longtime follower

  5. Thanks so much!

    I am a longtime follower and just joined the FB group - thanks so much for the opportunity!


  6. Love tales of King Arthur. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a follower.

    nanze55 at hotmail dot com

  7. Thank you for making it open to all. Much appreciated.

    I follow you on GFC


  8. Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this book. I am a follower and email subscriber. Tore923@aol.com

  9. Thanks for another chance to win a great book on your blog. I'm an Arthurian books fan so this one does certainly interest me.
    I follow Passages of the Past, blog, fb and twitter. I shared this GA on twitter.

  10. Ooohhhh! Veins of gold. How exciting! I love the concept of the plot and am eagerly looking forward to reading "The Stolen Bride." A huge thanks to Tony Hays for his generosity to PTTP.

    I follow PTTP and am posting this on FB.

  11. Forgot my email simonastefanuca[at] yahoo [dot] com. So sorry: (

  12. I would love to begin reading books from this period..usually I read books on the Plantagents ( white Rose vs Red rose ) books : )
    Sounds very interesting ! Lynda


  13. sounds great, I would love to enter

  14. This is on my reading list!


  15. It sounds like the characters will face a lot of exciting moments. I haven't come across many Arthurian stories so this one caught my attention.

    +5 GFC follower: Na
    +3 Twitter follower: Fieryna


  16. Sounds like a wonderful book!
    I follow on Google Reader.

  17. Thank you Amy and Tony Hays for such a awesome chance to win and read 'Stolen Bride'.
    I have done the following entry's:
    +5 A GFC Follower (Natasha Parker)
    +3 I have asked to join your fb group under Natasha Parker
    +3 I follow you on twitter as @ParaBookGoddess
    +1 Tweeted (https://twitter.com/#!/ParaBookGoddess/status/187049611565875200)
    +1 Facebook Personal Account(https://www.facebook.com/Natasha.And.Proud.Of.It)
    +1 Facebook Group(https://www.facebook.com/groups/Paranormal.Goddess/)
    +1 Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/Natasha.ParanormalGoddess)
    +1 Google+ (https://plus.google.com/106037236577120172899/plusones)

    My email is : natasha[dot]paranormalgoddessblog[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]au

  18. I would love to read THE STOLEN BRIDE thank you. I do love books set during the time of Arthur.

    +5 follower of Passages to the Past.
    +3 Passages to the Past FB Page.

    Mary Preston

    Email Subscriber


  19. I would love to win a terrific book!! bcrocks_ca@hotmail.com

  20. The Stolen Bride looks so interesting. I'd love to win.

  21. I so want to read these books!
    Thank you

    I follow on

    I shared on


  22. I'm looking forward to reading this book!

    +5 gfc - mamabunny13
    +3 Fb-mamabunny shelor
    +3 Twitter @mamabunny13

    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  23. Hey! Firstly, thanks for the opportunity! I discovered your blog from Kate Quinn directing historical book lovers here. I love it, I am always wanting to read really good historical novels.

    So without further ado, here are my entries:

    +5 GFC ~ nat_isabel/nat_etherel
    +3 FB ~ Natalia La Luz
    +3 Twitter ~ @nat_isabel
    +1 Tweet ~ https://twitter.com/#!/nat_isabel/status/187755749999509504

    Total = 12 entries

    Thanks again! Natalia.


  24. I haven't read any Arthur inspired stories for a while so count me in.

    +5 follower

    +3 member of fb group

    +3 twitter follower

    +1 shared on fb, google+ and twitter


  25. This has been such a good series. I look forward to this next book. Keep up the good work, Tony.

    I am a GFC follower, librarypat.

    I follow you on Facebook as Patricia Barraclough.

    I follow you on Twitter as pbbearclaw.

    I tweeted this giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/pbbearclaw/status/188483419720790017

    I shared this giveaway on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=268449489911626&id=1505535916

    I am following you on Google + and posted this giveaway there.https://plus.google.com/109699921916765602925/posts/AUHreFp4XVF

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net


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