17 April 2015

Giveaway: The Masque of a Murderer by Susanna Calkins

Today is the last day of Susanna Calkin's Blog Tour for The Masque of a Murderer and I have one more chance for you to win your own copy!

02_The Masque of a Murderer_Cover 

Publication Date: April 14, 2015 | Minotaur Books/St. Martins Press | Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Pages: 323

Series: Book Three, Lucy Campion Mysteries
Genre: Historical Mystery

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In Susanna Calkins’ next richly drawn mystery set in 17th century England, Lucy Campion, formerly a ladies’ maid in the local magistrate’s household, has now found gainful employment as a printer’s apprentice. On a freezing winter afternoon in 1667, she accompanies the magistrate’s daughter, Sarah, to the home of a severely injured Quaker man to record his dying words, a common practice of the time. The man, having been trampled by a horse and cart the night before, only has a few hours left to live. Lucy scribbles down the Quaker man’s last utterances, but she’s unprepared for what he reveals to her—that someone deliberately pushed him into the path of the horse, because of a secret he had recently uncovered.

Fearful that Sarah might be traveling in the company of a murderer, Lucy feels compelled to seek the truth, with the help of the magistrate's son, Adam, and the local constable. But delving into the dead man’s background might prove more dangerous than any of them had imagined.

In The Masque of a Murderer, Susanna Calkins has once again combined finely wrought characters, a richly detailed historical atmosphere, and a tightly-plotted mystery into a compelling read.

Lucy Campion Mystery Series Titles

Book One: A Murder at Rosamund's Gate
Macavity Award Finalist Sue Feder Historical Mystery Award (2014)
Barnes & Noble Bookseller's Selection ("Mystery Pick" and "Featured New Arrival")
Chicago Book Review - Best Books of 2013

Book Two: From the Charred Remains (Paperback release on March 17, 2015)
Short-listed for the Bruce Alexander Historical Mystery Award (2015)

Book Three: The Masque of a Murderer (coming April 2015!)

Praise for the Lucy Campion Mystery Series

"...the high-quality writing augurs well for future outings." -Publisher's Weekly

"Calkins makes Lucy’s efforts to find the real killer entirely plausible, leading to a nail-biter climax with London in flames. This history-mystery delivers a strong heroine making her way through the social labyrinth of Restoration London." -Booklist

"Calkins' debut mystery places her unusual detective in a world rich in carefully researched historical detail." -Kirkus

"A historical mystery with originality and great attention to detail. Readers are transported to 17th century England, a time when social classes were just beginning to change. The characters are multi-dimensional--including the smart, adventurous Lucy Campion--and the mystery will keep readers turning the pages, and they'll eagerly await the next book in the series." RT Book Reviews (4 Stars)

"...an intricate tale of fraud and blackmail, leavened by a touch of romance. Calkins, who holds a doctorate in British history, puts her knowledge to sparkling use in this intriguing mystery, which combines a gripping plot with rich historical detail and one of the most admirable protagonists in the genre." -The Richmond Times-Dispatch

"Calkins is able to seamlessly weave this romance into the story without making it the main plot line, and keeping the mystery the main focus of the story....The puzzles, anagrams, and many secrets combine to make intertwining plot twists that keep the pages turning. FROM THE CHARRED REMAINS is an exciting, secret filled, historical mystery that will keep readers guessing until the very end." --Fresh Fiction (Reviewer's Pick)

“A good yarn and a fascinating look at life in England in a time when things began to change...social classes, positions, servants' rights...all because of plague and fire.” -Book Babe Blog

“For me, this book was more than a mystery. It was an eye-opening look at what London was like in the mid-1660s, including the plague and fire that ravaged London, class struggle, the plight of women, and the laws of the time. The author's engaging writing style made it easy to slip back into the past and experience these things with Lucy.” -Book of Secrets

“A Murder at Rosamund's Gate is Susanna Calkins' absorbing debut novel. Just a warning that time WILL easily slip away as you become engrossed in this historical fiction mystery.” -1776 Books: A Philadelphian's Literary Journey

Buy the Book

Barnes and Noble
Book Depository

About the Author

03_Susanna Calkins_AuthorBorn and raised in Philadelphia, Susanna Calkins lives in Highland Park, Illinois with her husband and two sons, where she is an educator at Northwestern University. With a PhD in history, her historical mysteries feature Lucy Campion, a 17th century chambermaid-turned-printer’s apprentice. Her first novel, A Murder at Rosamund's Gate, was a finalist for the Sue Feder Historical Mystery Award (Macavity). The second in this series, From the Charred Remains, is currently a finalist for the Bruce Alexander Historical Mystery Award. Her third, The Masque of a Murderer, will be released in April 2015.

For more information and to subscribe to Susanna Calkins' newsletter please visit her website. You can also follow her blog, and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

The Masque of a Murderer Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, March 16
Review at Bibliophilia, Please

Tuesday, March 17
Review at Flashlight Commentary
Guest Post at Bibliophilia, Please

Wednesday, March 18
Interview at Flashlight Commentary

Friday, March 20
Spotlight at Historical Readings & Reviews

Monday, March 23
Review & Interview at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!

Wednesday, March 25
Review & Interview at The Emerald City Book Review

Tuesday, March 31
Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book

Wednesday, April 1
Character Interview at Boom Baby Reviews

Thursday, April 2
Review at Just One More Chapter

Monday, April 6
Review at Ageless Pages Reviews

Tuesday, April 7
Spotlight at The Genre Queen

Thursday, April 9
Review at The Lit Bitch
Guest Post at A Literary Vacation

Friday, April 10
Review at Book Nerd

Monday, April 13
Review at CelticLady's Reviews

Tuesday, April 14
Review at Book Babe

Thursday, April 16
Review at Jorie Loves a Story
Spotlight at Layered Pages

Friday, April 17
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past


To enter to win a paperback copy of The Masque of a Murderer please leave a comment below with your email address.


– Giveaway ends at 11:59pm EST on April 27th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open to US & Canada residents only.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion
– Winner have 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.

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  1. Looks like a great novel, thanks for the chance to win it :)
    jslbrown2009 at aol dot com

  2. A captivating and enthralling mystery. Thanks for this great feature and giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  3. Curious what this man was up to! Should be a great book!.


  4. I LOVE the cover. It is gorgeous. The plot sounds great too.
    campbellamyd at gmail dot com

  5. I enjoy historical fiction/romance with mystery and a bit of the paranormal if possible. Should very much love to win any of your books, for I haven't read you before.

  6. Would love to win a book from this author. My email address: eileendandashi@outlook.com

  7. I'd enjoy reading this novel. Historical Fiction and mystery are an interesting mix. eileendandashi@outlook.com

  8. Sounds like the start of a very good mystery series.Thank you for the giveaway.

  9. Sounds like a perfect read&new series for me .lomazowr@gmail.com

  10. This sounds so good. I loved the first in the series and was planning to read the second one soon!

  11. This sounds good. Thanks for the giveaway! dmskrug3 at hotmail dot com

  12. I've been intrigued by Susanna Calkins' novels and look forward to reading this one as well.

  13. oooh fun! I love a good historical mystery. I hadn't heard of this series prior to this post, but I'm going to add it to my TBR now. Thanks for a chance to win a copy!

    Smallreview (at) yahoo (dot) com

  14. This sounds really good. Interesting that it's set in the 1600's. I don't think I've read many books that take place in that time period. It sounds like a series I need to check out.

    Thanks for the chance to win.
    peacelily_2006 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  15. Enjoyed the first one. Would love to continue with this series
    HPelkey1982 at yahoo dot com

  16. This sounds great! westmetromommy@gmail.com

  17. Pretty cover. I am adding it to my TBR list. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  18. I've been looking for a good mystery. LindseyAylward@yahoo.com

  19. I do enjoy a good historical fiction mystery !
    dkstevensneAToutlookD OtCoM
