15 October 2014

Guest Post & eBook Giveaway: The Battle of York by Regan Walker, author of The Red Wolf's Prize

Please welcome to the blog today author Regan Walker, who is here to tell us a bit about the Battle of York and her novel, The Red Wolf's Prize! I have one eBook up for grabs, so be sure to enter the giveaway below!

The Battle of York 1068 AD by Regan Walker

The Battle of York between William the Conqueror and the people of Northumbria is portrayed in my new medieval romance The Red Wolf’s Prize. I thought to tell you a bit more of what was behind the exciting action scene where the Red Wolf battles his enemy, Sir Hugue.

After the Norman Conquest in 1066, all was not quiet in England. There had been uprisings in the south, the Siege of Exeter being one where it took King William eighteen days to conquer the city. But there was also much unrest in the north. In the words of chronicler Orderic Vitalis, the north was “seething with discontent.”

Bayeux tapestry segment with Norman knights
William the Conqueror did many things differently than others who had preceded him. Other southern kings had been content to let the north be. It was what King Harold had done. Perhaps for that reason the English Earls Edwin and Morcar, who had dominated the middle and north of the country, believed it would always be so. After all, the north was different. York was a Viking city with Viking traditions. But it was not William the Conqueror’s way to leave such a threat at his back door. And York was prosperous. He wanted that, too.

In 1068, when Earls Edwin and Morcar realized William did not always mean what he said, and did not always deliver on his promises, they withdrew from court and returned to the north, intending to rebel. In Northumbria, they were supported by a large number of English and Welsh, including merchants, thegns, clergy, monks and the poor. Messages were sent to every part of the kingdom seeking to stir up resistance to the Norman’s rule.

William had accepted a large sum of money from one Gospatric for the earldom of Northumbria that he had taken from Earl Morcar. Gospatric was not long in power, however, when he joined Earls Edwin and Morcar and Edgar Ætheling, the English contender to the throne, in rebellion against William. Edgar had come from Scotland, where he had sought refuge with King Malcolm III, and received the men of Northumbria at York.

Hearing of the rebellion in the north, William moved swiftly and, though he managed to build castles on the way, arrived with his army during the summer. A battle ensued at York, and hundreds were slain. The city was torched. In the face of William’s army, the rebellion collapsed. Edgar and Gospatric escaped to Scotland. But back in Northumbria, Morcar and his brother Edwin submitted to William and were pardoned, again joining the king at court. It seemed the king treated them with favor, but it would not be the last of their disdain for the new Norman king, nor their rebellion.

To the defeated thegns of the city of York, William offered safe-conduct if they agreed to swear fealty. He also promised they would retain their holdings. When the thegns came, however, William imprisoned them and distributed their land to his loyal followers, the Normans. It seems William was not a man of his word.
The castle at York William erected in 1068

As was typical of William’s actions following a victory, he built a castle in York so that his authority was clear for all to see, and left his knights to guard it. (A second castle would follow in 1069 with five hundred knights as a garrison.) The first castle at York was a wooden motte and bailey castle built between the Rivers Ouse and Foss.

About the Book

02_The Red Wolf's Prize

Publication Date: October 1, 2014
Paperback; 245p
ISBN: 978-06-15978-14-7

Genre: Historical Romance

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Sir Renaud de Pierrepont, the Norman knight known as the Red Wolf for the beast he slayed with his bare hands, hoped to gain lands with his sword. A year after the Conquest, King William rewards his favored knight with Talisand, the lands of an English thegn slain at Hastings, and orders him to wed Lady Serena, the heiress that goes with them.


Serena wants nothing to do with the fierce warrior to whom she has been unwillingly given, the knight who may have killed her father. When she learns the Red Wolf is coming to claim her, she dyes her flaxen hair brown and flees, disguised as a servant, determined to one day regain her lands. But her escape goes awry and she is brought back to live among her people, though not unnoticed by the new Norman lord.

Deprived of his promised bride, the Red Wolf turns his attention to the comely servant girl hoping to woo her to his bed. But the wench resists, claiming she hates all Normans.

As the passion between them rises, Serena wonders, can she deny the Norman her body? Or her heart?

Watch the Book Trailer

Praise for The Red Wolf's Prize

“Ms. Walker has the rare ability to make you forget you are reading a book…the characters become real, the modern world fades away and all that is left is the intrigue, drama and romance.” - Straight from the Library

“An engrossing love story grounded in meticulous research. Regan Walker makes the transition from Regency London to Anglo Norman England with consummate ease.” - Glynn Holloway, author of 1066 What Fates Impose

“Regan Walker has delivered an exciting tale and a passionate love story that brings to life England after the Conquest—medieval romance at its best!" - Virginia Henley New York Times Bestselling Author

“Regan Walker has once again written a story that grabs hold and doesn’t let go. There is intrigue, action and a beautifully developed romance." - Vickie Moore, The Reading Cafe

Buy the eBook


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About the Author

As a child Regan Walker loved to write stories, particularly about adventure-loving girls, but by the time she got to college more serious pursuits took priority. One of her professors encouraged her to pursue the profession of law, which she did. Years of serving clients in private practice and several stints in high levels of government gave her a love of international travel and a feel for the demands of the “Crown” on its subjects. Hence her romance novels often involve a demanding sovereign who thinks of his subjects as his private talent pool. Regan lives in San Diego with her golden retriever, Link, whom she says inspires her every day to relax and smell the roses. For more information please visit Regan Walker's website and blog. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

The Red Wolf's Prize Blog Tour Schedule

Wednesday, October 1
Guest Post at Historical Fiction Connection

Friday, October 3
Spotlight at Historical Tapestry

Monday, October 6
Review at Historical Romance Lover

Tuesday, October 7
Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book

Wednesday, October 8
Review at Historical Fiction Obsession

Thursday, October 9
Spotlight at Book Reviews by Lanise Brown

Friday, October 10
Review at Unshelfish

Saturday, October 11
Spotlight & Excerpt at The Lusty Literate

Monday, October 13
Review at The Life & Times of a Book Addict

Tuesday, October 14
Interview at Caroline Wilson Writes

Wednesday, October 15
Guest Post & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Thursday, October 16
Review at Book Marks the Spot

Saturday, October 18
Spotlight at Romantic Historical Reviews

Wednesday, October 22
Review at Princess of Eboli
Spotlight & Giveaway at bookworm2bookworm's Blog


To win an eBook of The Red Wolf's Prize please complete the form below. Giveaway ends on October 25th and is open internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Nothing like Historical Fiction and romance. Would like to read it.

    1. I agree, Topaz! Thanks for entering and good luck!

    2. Oh, I do hope you will read Red Wolf, Topaz. And, if you do, please let me know how you like it. You can always reach me via my website!

  2. Hi, Amy. It great to be on your blog and sharing an exciting time in England's history with you. Thanks for having me and the Red Wolf as guests!

    1. Thank you so much for the excellent guest post, Regan! You are always welcome on Passages to the Past!

  3. I would love to win this book. The medieval and renaissance periods are my favorite, and I really love the cover art. Thank you for the giveaway and the nice article. It was interesting and I really appreciated the illustration of the early castle of York. Written and/or verbal descriptions don't always adequately convey the concept being presented, but in this case the illustration did. Thanks!

    1. Thanks so much for the comment, Kim. Your thought about illustrations is why I did a Pinterest storyboard for this book with pictures of the things referred to: the characters, castles, churches--even the birds! Here's the link--check it out: http://www.pinterest.com/reganwalker123/the-red-wolfs-prize-by-regan-walker/

  4. Knights, castles & romance. I do like historical fiction :) This sounds like something I'd pick!

  5. Thank you for giving overseas readers the opportunity to win. Much appreciated.

  6. Thanks for entering to win The Red Wolf's Prize, Mystica.

  7. Clever lady. I'd like to read this one, thanks.

    1. That makes me happy, Nancy. And let me know if you like The Red Wolf's Prize, ok? You can always reach me via my website.

  8. Great post, Regan. There are many historical periods I like and the medieval period is one of them. I see that I have to put lots of money aside so I can get books from those authors I've recently discovered. And it seems you've just been added to my list, Regan.

    1. I'm so glad my books are on your "to read" list! And I hope you like The Red Wolf's Prize.
