30 October 2014

Giveaway: A Little Wicked by Janet R. Macreery

Author Janet Macreery is on Blog Tour with HF Virtual Book Tours for A Little Wicked and I have a chance for one of you to win a copy!

01_A Little Wicked 

Publication Date: April 29, 2014 | Outskirts Press | Paperback; 188p

Genre: Middle Grade Historical Fiction (Ages 9-13+)

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After her Scottish village is attacked, 12-year-old Dory must flee her home without her family. Once the granddaughter of the chief, now branded a fugitive, Dory begins a dangerous journey trekking through the Scottish wilderness and crossing the Atlantic in disguise in order to reach the distant and unfamiliar Massachusetts Bay Colony in the New World. There she must survive a crisis that is quite different from the one in Scotland but no less fatal, the Salem Witch Trials. The year is 1692 and Dory is plunged into mayhem on both sides of the ocean.

Praise for A Little Wicked

“…readers will learn a lot about resilience and Scottish identity.” – Publisher’s Weekly

"...the fast pace and suspense-filled pages will keep younger teens engrossed while providing notable history lessons. A high-stakes historical adventure full of emotional, social and political drama." – Kirkus Reviews

“…debut novel is addicting, passionate, and fresh.” – Novel Nutritious

“A Little Wicked evokes themes of survival, rebellion, and identity just as vividly as the most popular fantasy novels for young people.” – Amazon.com Reader

“The author writes from the viewpoint of the female child character Dory, making the story highly relatable as well as understandable to young readers. Readers will gain a strong idea of customs, daily life, and government for those living in 1692 in England, Scotland, and The New World…” – Michelle Robertson for Reader Favorites

“Writing with both discipline and creative abandon, Macreery gives studious attention to detail as each carefully crafted sentence flows fluidly to the next.” – Amazon.com Reader

“…fast-paced style that kids are used to from their favorite fantasy-adventure books.The book is full of historical and cultural details, with touches of Scottish folklore leaving open the possibility of the supernatural.” – Goodreads Reader

Watch the Book Trailer

About the Author

02_Janet Macreery AuthorJanet’s parents never had to emphasize the importance of reading; they both genuinely love to read. That love of literature transferred to Janet, her sister and brother as they grew up in suburban New Jersey. College took Janet to Pennsylvania where she met her husband. Proud of her homeland and her heritage, Janet and her husband read about and travel the United States and Scotland to learn more about the history and culture of both countries and currently live in the shadow of Washington, DC in Northern Virginia.

For more information please visit Janet Macreery's website. You can also connect with Janet Macreery on Facebook, Twitter, and Gooreads.

A Little Wicked Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, October 27
Review at Books Complete Me
Spotlight at Unshelfish

Tuesday, October 28
Review a A Bibliotaph's Reviews

Wednesday, October 29
Spotlight at Let them Read Books

Thursday, October 30
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Monday, November 3
Review at Beth's Book Nook
Spotlight at Historical Fiction Connection

Tuesday, November 4
Interview at Closed the Cover

Wednesday, November 5
Spotlight at The Maiden's Court

Thursday, November 6
Review at A Book Geek

Friday, November 7
Review at Peeking Between the Pages


To win a copy of A Little Wicked please complete the form below. Giveaway is open to US residents only and ends on November 10th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. A Little Wicked sounds captivating and fascinating. Thanks for this feature and wonderful giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  2. This books sounds exciting. Thank you for the chance to win.

  3. Thank you for the giveaway. Sounds like a great read.

  4. This book sounds amazing and I would love the suspense filled pages. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  5. Thank you for being part of the A Little Wicked giveaway! It's wonderful to hear about so much excitement for the book! - Janet

  6. Thank you for hosting the giveaway, Passages to the Past! Thank you for the excited comments about A Little Wicked! Giveaways are wonderful! - Janet

  7. Thank you for being a part of the A Little Wicked giveaway! - Janet

  8. I am always looking for new authors to read. You write the kind of book I enjoy reading.

  9. Thank you! Be sure to check out my website for more information http://janetmacreery.wordpress.com
