24 September 2014

eBook Giveaway: Goddess Born by Kari Edgren

Author Kari Edgren is currently on Blog Tour with HF Virtual Book Tours for Goddess Born, and I am so excited to be hosting the tour with a giveaway today! I had the pleasure of reading this a few months ago and it was ah-mah-zing! It's a perfect mesh of historical fiction, romance, fantasy, and paranormal - all elements were just really well done and the chemistry between the two main characters was great. It's also a pretty clean read for those that prefer their romances more sweet than steamy.

It's the first book in a trilogy and I am counting the days until book two is released.

Today I have a chance for one of you lucky people to win an eBook of Goddess Born. Kate is on tour through October 17th so be sure to check out the schedule of stops below.

02_Goddess Born

Publication Date: May 29, 2014
Carina Press
eBook; ISBN: 9781426898365

Genre: Historical/Fantasy/Paranormal/New Adult

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2013 RWA Golden Heart© Finalist
2011 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award semifinalist

1730 Pennsylvania

The power to heal is her divine gift—the fear of discovery, her mortal curse.

Selah Kilbrid is caught between two worlds. A direct descendant of the Celtic goddess Brigid, she is bound by immortal law to help those in need. Yet as a human, she must keep her unique abilities hidden or risk being charged as a witch. The Quaker community of Hopewell has become a haven for religious freedom—and fanaticism—and there are those who would see her hanged if the truth were revealed.

For eighteen years, Selah safely navigates the narrow gap between duty and self-preservation—until the day an ambitious minister uncovers her secret. Already tempted by Selah’s large estate, he soon lusts for her power as well, and demands marriage in exchange for his silence.

Terrified, Selah flees to Philadelphia where she strikes a deal with an arrogant stranger. It doesn’t matter that she suspects Henry Alan harbors his own dark secrets. Once he agrees to the scheme, Selah refuses to look back. But as unseen forces move against her, she’s unsure which poses the greater danger—a malignant shadow closing in from outside or the fire that threatens to consume her heart.

Book Two in the Goddess Born series will be published in November 2014 and Book Three in June 2015.

Buy the eBook

Barnes & Noble
Carina Press

03_Kari EdgrenAbout the Author

Kari Edgren is the author of the Goddess Born series. In 2010 and 2011 she was a semifinalist for the Amazon Break Through Novel Award. In 2013, she was a RWA Golden Heart finalist. Ms. Edgren enjoys writing both historical and contemporary fiction, so long as there’s a spark of paranormal. She resides on a mountain top in the Pacific Northwest where she spends a great deal of time dreaming about the sun and torturing her husband and children with strange food and random historical facts.

For more information please visit Kari Edgren's website. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads.

Sign Up for Kari Edgren's Newsletter.

Goddess Born Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, September 22
Review at Peeking Between the Pages

Tuesday, September 23
Review at By the Book Reviews
Spotlight at Passages to the Past

Wednesday, September 24
Review at The Readers Hollow
Interview at Manga Maniac Cafe

Thursday, September 25
Review at Book Babe

Friday, September 26
Review at Curling Up With a Good Book

Sunday, September 28
Spotlight & Excerpt at Casual Readers

Monday, September 29
Review at Unabridged Chick

Tuesday, September 30
Review at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!
Interview & Giveaway at Unabridged Chick

Wednesday, October 1
Review & Excerpt at Book Lovers Paradise

Thursday, October 2
Review at Books, Etc.
Review at 100 Pages a Day - Stephanie's Book Reviews

Friday, October 3
Review at So Many Books, So Little Time

Monday, October 6
Review at Bookish
Guest Post at Historical Fiction Connection

Tuesday, October 7
Review at The Mad Reviewer
Spotlight & Giveaway at The Flashlight Reader

Wednesday, October 8
Review at A Bookish Affair

Thursday, October 9
Review at The True Book Addict

Friday, October 10
Review at CelticLady's Reviews

Monday, October 13
Review at Book Nerd
Interview at The Maiden's Court

Tuesday, October 14
Review at I'd So Rather Be Reading

Wednesday, October 15
Review at Let Them Read Books

Thursday, October 16
Review at A Book Geek
Guest Post at Historical Tapestry

Friday, October 17
Review at Historical Tapestry


To win an eBook of Goddess Born please complete the form below. Giveaway is open internationally and ends on October 4th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. I'm pretty much into anything with Celtic Goddesses.

  2. so need to read this!!
    congrats, Kari!!!!
    thank you for the giveaway!!!

  3. Thank you for making it open to all. Much appreciated.

  4. Sounds engaging...all the more to my liking that it's part of a series. thanks.

  5. The book sounds so interesting, you don't see enough Celtic mythology in books lately.

  6. Quakers and witches seem to be hot lately! Thank you for the giveaway.
