30 September 2013

Giveaway: Thread of Gold Beads by Nike Campbell-Fatoki

As part of Nike Campbell-Fatoki's virtual tour for Thread of Gold Beads, Passages to the Past is pleased to bring you a giveaway!

Nike is on tour from September 23 - October 5, so be sure to check out the full schedule of stops below.

Thread of Gold BeadsPublication Date: November 16, 2012
Three Magi Publishing
Paperback; 412p
ISBN-10: 0988193205

Amelia, daughter of the last independent King of Danhomè, King Gbèhanzin, is the apple of her father’s eye, loved beyond measure by her mother, and overprotected by her siblings. She searches for her place within the palace amidst conspirators and traitors to the Kingdom. Just when Amelia begins to feel at home in her role as a Princess, a well-kept secret shatters the perfect life she knows. Someone else within the palace also knows and does everything to bring the secret to light. A struggle between good and evil ensues causing Amelia to leave all that she knows and loves. She must flee Danhomè with her brother, to south-western Nigeria. In a faraway land, she finds the love of a new family and God. The well-kept secret thought to have been dead and buried, resurrects with the flash of a thread of gold beads. Amelia must fight for her life and what is left of her soul. 

Set during the French-Danhomè war of the late 1890s in Benin Republic and early 1900s in Abeokuta and Lagos, South-Western Nigeria, Thread of Gold Beads is a delicate love story, and coming of age of a young girl. It clearly depicts the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversities. 

Praise for Thread of Gold Beads

"A highly competent contribution to the growing genre of popular historical fiction in Africa" - Sefi Atta, author of A Bit of A Difference, Swallow, Everything Good Will Come. Winner of Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa

"At the heart of Thread of Gold Beads stands Princess Amelia, an intelligent, courageous young woman who loses everything when the 1892 French invasion of Dahomey forces her to seek refuge in South-Western Nigeria. Following a series of unexpected twists, Amelia's journey mirrors that of her Nigerian-born mother as secrets and betrayals threaten her hard-fought peace of mind. Through a cast of distinct characters, Campbell-Fatoki presents an intriguing coming of age story that captures the majesty of a 19th century African kingdom."-Yejide Kilanko, author of Daughters Who Walk This Path 

Book Trailer

Buy Links

Author Website  
Amazon UK
About the Author

Nike Campbell-FatokiNike Campbell-Fatoki was born in Lvov, Ukraine to Nigerian parents. She spent her formative years in Lagos, Nigeria, listening to stories and folktales told by her maternal Grandparents. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Howard University and a Master of Arts degree in International Development from American University, Washington, DC. Presently, she is a Budget and Finance Manager in the municipal government in the Washington DC area. She is an avid reader. She loves traveling, watching movies and listening to music. She is also the Founder of Eclectic Goodies, a party favors and gifts packaging company. She lives in the Washington DC area with her husband and three sons.

For more information please visit Nike's website and blog. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ or follow the Facebook page for the book. 

Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Monday, September 23
Review at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!

Tuesday, September 24
Interview at Oh, for the Hook of a Book!

Wednesday, September 25
Giveaway at From Left to Write

Thursday, September 26
Guest Post & Giveaway at So Many Precious Books, So Little Time

Monday, September 30
Feature & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Tuesday, October 1
Review at Turning the Pages

Wednesday, October 2
Review & Giveaway at Peeking Between the Pages

Friday, October 4
Review at Unabridged Chick

Saturday, October 5
Interview & Giveaway at Unabridged Chick


Passages to the Past has one copy of Thread of Gold Beads up for grabs. Giveaway is open to US & Canada residents only and ends on October 10. To enter, please complete form below. Good Luck! 

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1 comment:

  1. I am intrigued but I haven't had time for new reads lately so I didn't sign up for this one. I look forward to seeing what everyone thinks, though!
