26 October 2021

Interview & Giveaway: One Night with an Earl by Tina Gabrielle

Happy Tuesday, dear readers! Toady on the blog I am happy to be hosting an interview with Author Tina Gabrielle! She is currently on Blog Tour for her new historical romance, One Night with an Earl, and she graciously stopped by to talk more about it. We also have a chance for you to win a $10 Amazon gift card so be sure to enter the giveaway below.

Hello Tina and welcome to Passages to the Past! Thanks so much for stopping by today to talk about One Night with an Earl!
To begin, can you please tell us a little about yourself and your writing?

Hello and thank you for having me today! I’m Tina Gabrielle and I write adventurous historical romances. I’m celebrating the release of ONE NIGHT WITH AN EARL, the first book in the Daring Ladies series. The story features a diverse Mediterranean lady and the newly minted Earl of Drake. I loved writing about Anahit, or Ana.

As for me, I have two girls, and I’m married to my own hero. We live in New Jersey, and we spend summers at the Jersey shore.

What inspired you to write One Night with an Earl?

I’ve always wanted to write a diverse historical romance. I’m a first generation Armenian American, and I used many of my own cultural roots when I wrote the book. There is even my family’s baklava recipe at the end of the book.

What was your favorite scene to write?

The first chapter is quite sexy and was a lot of fun to write. Ana seeks to lose her virginity before her thirtieth birthday, and she takes matters into her own hands. The book features:

• An elite brothel
• One night of passion
• Mistaken identity
• A Baklava recipe

What was the most difficult scene to write?

I’ve written multiple books and the middle of the book is always difficult for me to write. It’s the “sagging middle” and I’m not talking about my waistline. But I always keep writing and I ended up loving this book.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

For as long as I can remember, I have loved books and wanted to be a writer. As a teenager, I used scotch tape to hold my peeling laminated library card together. I spent many nights reading in bed well past midnight to finish a book, only to start another. I know my mom was aggravated waking up a tired teenager every morning.

I wrote my first book when I was sixteen. I remember typing furiously on the family computer, only to get frustrated when I was interrupted by one of my siblings. I thought the book was the greatest ever written, and believed it was my ticket to instant fame. How little did I know!

What does your daily writing routine look like?

I try to write every day, but it doesn’t always happen. Kids and family must come first. I work a day job and write at night and on weekends. Slow and steady wins the race for me.

What has been your greatest challenge as a writer? Have you been able to overcome it?

I’ll say the same as above. The “sagging middle” is always a great challenge for me. I love writing the beginning of a manuscript and I always know how it will end, the rest can be more challenging. I have to have the perfect blend of romance and conflict.

Who are your writing inspirations?

Hmm. I’d say Jane Austen. I love “Pride and Prejudice.”

What was the first historical romance that you read?

“The Bride” by Julie Garwood. I still love it.

What is the last historical romance that you read?

“Lord of Wicked Intentions” by Loraine Heath

What are your favorite romance tropes?

Enemies to Lovers, Mistaken Identity. There’s both in “One Night with an Earl”

What are three things people may not know about you?

I also write cozy mysteries as Tina Kashian, I love to cook, I swim laps for stress for exercise.

What appeals to you most about your chosen genre?

I have more than one chosen genre. For historicals, I love the Regency period. The gowns, the carriages, the dashing gentleman. For cozy mysteries, I love setting up a murder, red herrings, and solving the case.

What historical time period do you gravitate towards the most with your personal reading?

Regency historicals, of course!

What do you like to do when you aren't writing?

I love spending time with my two girls. We watch movies, play board games and shop.

Lastly, what are you working on next?

I’m working on the next book in my Daring Ladies series.

Thank you again for having me!

One Night with an Earl by Tina Gabrielle

Publication Date: October 18, 2021
Entangled: Amara

Series: The Daring Ladies, Book 1
Genre: Historical Romance

  Ana Gardner is determined to lose her virginity before her thirtieth birthday. She’s no stranger to fake identities, having posed as a chaperone since the scandal that destroyed her titled family. So she dons a mask, changes into a low-cut red gown, and attends the city’s most elite brothel, the Silver Chalice.

Oliver Bedford, the imposing Earl of Drake, is only at the Silver Chalice to appease his debauched friends—until he spots Lady Scarlet. She’s refreshing...and a complete mystery. Certain she’s a lady in disguise, Oliver is determined to learn her identity, but she eludes him at every turn.

The night with Oliver was unforgettable. But when he arrives at her employer’s home, she’s horrified to discover her lover is the Earl of Drake, the son of the man responsible for her father’s death and subsequent family ruin. And that he’s there to court her young charge.

Oliver never had any interest in the debutante, but he is drawn to her chaperone—a woman he soon realizes is his Lady Scarlet. Now that he’s found her, she claims she wants nothing to do with him, even though her kisses say otherwise. Fortunately, Oliver is not one to give up when he finds something he wants...and he wants Ana. In his bed, and in his life. Forever.

Amazon | Apple Books | Barnes and Noble | Google Play | Kobo 

About the Author

Best-selling author Tina Gabrielle is an attorney and former mechanical engineer whose love of reading for pleasure helped her get through years of academia. She often picked up a romance and let her fantasies of knights in shining armor and lords and ladies carry her away. She is the author of adventurous Regency historical romances for Entangled Publishing and Kensington Books.

Publisher’s Weekly calls her Regency Barrister’s series, “Well-matched lovers…witty comradely repartee.” Tina’s books have been Barnes & Noble top picks, and her first book, Lady Of Scandal, was nominated as best first historical by Romantic Times Book Reviews. Tina lives in New Jersey and is married to her own hero and is blessed with two daughters. She loves to hear from readers. Visit her website to learn about upcoming releases, join her newsletter, and enter free monthly contests at www.tinagabrielle.com. Tina also writes cozy mysteries as Tina Kashian. Visit www.tinakashian.com to learn more about her mystery books.

You can also find Tina on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Goodreads.

Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, October 18
Review at Chicks, Rogues, and Scandals

Wednesday, October 20
Review at A Girl Reads Bookss

Friday, October 22
Review at Anna's Book Blog

Saturday, October 23
Excerpt at The Cozy Book Blog

Tuesday, October 26
Interview & Excerpt at Passages to the Past

Monday, November 1
Review at Reader_ceygo

Tuesday, November 2
Excerpt at Bookish Rantings

Wednesday, November 3
Interview at Reader_ceygo

Thursday, November 4
Excerpt at Coffee and Ink

Friday, November 5
Review at Historical Fiction with Spirit


Enter to win a $10 Amazon gift card!

The giveaway is open to US addresses only and ends on November 5th. You must be 18 or older to enter.

One Night with an Earl

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