14 June 2021

Release Day Blast: The Devil's Own by Liana LeFey

It's release day for The Devil's Own by Liana LeFey! You can read all about the first book in her new series, The Wicked Waywards, below and there are links to where you can pick up a copy today!

The Devil's Own Liana LeFey

Publication Date: June 14, 2021
Entangled: Amara

Series: The Wicked Waywards, Book One
Genre: Historical Romance

All hell breaks loose in Harper’s Grove when the devil falls in love with an angel who mistakes him for a saint…

Lord Devlin Wayward, gambler and dedicated rake, returns home for the first time in years only to land himself in deep trouble when he ends up with a broken leg. Unable to travel to London to seal an important deal that will make or break his fortune, Devlin persuades his identical twin, Daniel, who happens to be the parish vicar, to take his place in London while he temporarily minds his flock.

Miss Mary Tomblin is taken with the devastatingly handsome reverend, who represents everything she desires in a husband after narrowly evading a ruthless rake last Season. But the vicar rebuffs every advance—until he suddenly accepts her help with pastoral duties while his broken leg heals. Mary seizes the chance to show the good reverend what an excellent helpmeet she will be.

The devil takes on the role of village vicar and discovers it’s nowhere near as easy as he imagined—especially when he falls in love with an angel who mistakes him for a saint.

Amazon | Barnes and Noble

About the Author

As a romance author, I delight in crafting incendiary tales that capture the heart and the imagination, taking the reader out of the now and into another world. Regardless of whether you choose to dive into the past, leap into the future, or lose yourself in another realm entirely, between the pages you’ll find deep emotional journeys and passionate romance!

The splendor of the Georgian period (1714-1837) provides a lush, glittering backdrop for my sizzling historical romances. Between the pages of my early Georgian pieces you’ll find sensuous lovers, lavish royal courts, and deadly intrigues. My Regencies look back to an era of refined manners and strict propriety, while revealing the secret, wicked desires of its elegant ladies and courtly gentlemen. In my sci-fi romances, love transcends all boundaries and spans a future of endless possibility based on what we’re learning about our universe today. My fantasy romances will take you on a quest through realms both familiar and unknown, with characters and creatures from myth and folklore, and of course include powerful magic paired with that most potent of all enchantments: love.

I live in Central Texas with my dashing hero/husband of 20+ years and our beautiful daughter. I’m also privileged to serve (and it is most definitely servitude) one spoiled-rotten feline overlord. I adore chocolate and just about anything involving the words “salted caramel.” When my brain is too fried to weave stories, I read (of course), watch movies or binge-watch television series, make jewelry, sketch, write music, practice calligraphy, write letters to friends, and knit scarves.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads

Book Blast Schedule

Monday, June 14
Chasing Leslie
Two Bookish Babes
Passages to the Past

Tuesday, June 15
Gwendalyn's Books
Reading is My Remedy
Chicks, Rogues, and Scandals

Wednesday, June 16
Books Lattes & Tiaras
Elodie’s Reading Corner

Thursday, June 17
Books & Benches
Michelle the PA Loves to Read

Friday, June 18
Coffee and Ink
The Book Junkie Reads

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