20 April 2020

Review & Giveaway: Face of Fortune by Colleen Kelly-Eiding

Face of Fortune by Colleen Kelly-Eiding

Publication Date: February 1, 2020
Phase Publishing
Paperback & eBook; 405 Pages

Series: The Shadows of Rosthwaite, Book Two
Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance

Charlotte Pruitt, an auburn-haired beauty whose soul is as wild as the northern mountains she loves, lives day to day, hoping against hope that James Clarke still lives. The love of her life and father of their son had attacked a nobleman whom he caught attempting to rape Charlotte. Pursued by soldiers and attempting to escape, James plunged into a raging river and was last seen being pulled under by the torrent.

James who had fought to protect her and little Jack, is gone. Courage, strength, intellect, and a keen wit would have to be her guardians now.

A weaker person would crumble under the pressure of running a business, raising a child alone, fending off unscrupulous men, while always aware that the horrific villain, Edward Hawkes is still alive and bent on her destruction. Instead, Charlotte focuses on those less fortunate than herself. She becomes dedicated to helping Jane Rourke, a weaver, who is falsely accused of crimes and sentenced to death. Charlotte is offered a way to save Jane Rourke, but at a terrible price to herself. And what of Hawkes? How will she save herself and little Jack?

From the dark and gritty streets of Spitalfields, hiding secrets both good and evil, to the haunted moors of Devon, and to the perilous heights of the northern English mountains where Charlotte’s greatest test will come, this epic saga of human kindness, passionate love, and horrifying evil never ceases to enchant…and terrify.

Available on Amazon



What a thrilling read this was!

There is nothing I love better than an action-filled historical and Face of Fortune definitely fit that bill! Face of Fortune begins after the ending of the first book in the series, Favoured by Fortune, and picks up the story of Charlotte and James.

Charlotte is a wealthy widow who had an affair with James during her loveless marriage. It's been 3 months since she has heard from James and she fears he drowned and won't be returning to her. The man who tormented them, and hurt Charlotte in the worst way in the first book escapes capture and is back in town. She is terrified of him, especially when the threatening notes start arriving to her house. The business she inherited from her late husband is in the Silk business and there is turmoil in that when the new Cotton fad starts, so there is danger coming at Charlotte that way as well.

When the mother of her servant is falsely accused of theft and arrested Charlotte steps in to help, and brings her children into her home to keep safe.

There is a lot to keep your interest in the book and it flows at a fast-pace to keep you turning the pages. I was completely invested in Charlotte and James's relationship. It's not an easy one but their love will keep them coming back to each other.

Book three in the series is in the works and it promises to be an exciting next chapter in Charlotte and James's life and I am so there for it! If you're looking for an exciting historical that will keep you on your toes, I highly suggest picking up Face of Fortune! I cannot wait to go back and read the first book and I will be pre-ordering book #3 as soon as it's available!

About the Author

Colleen Kelly-Eiding is a member of the Screen Actors’ Guild-American Federation of TV and Radio Artists, and Actors’ Equity. Her husband is an actor, as are their two adult daughters. Theatre, acting and above all, storytelling, are part of her family’s DNA.

Colleen, was in the first class of women at Kenyon College in Ohio when the school went co-ed. She also studied drama and political science at the University of Manchester in England. She later received an MFA in acting from the University of Minnesota. She has been an actor, director, casting assistant, 3rd grade teacher, and audiometrist.

Favoured by Fortune and Face of Fortune have been occupying Colleen’s imagination for a quite a long time. After both daughters graduated college, she and husband Paul became empty nesters. The time seemed right for Colleen to bring young Ms. Pruitt, our heroine, to life and let Charlotte tell her story.

During her time in Manchester, Colleen fell in love with the country. When she returned to England to do research for her series, she was beyond elated. She interviewed a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum, spent time researching indictment records from the 1760‘s at the Guild Hall in London, and walked the route that the carts of the condemned travelled from Newgate Prison to the Tyburn Tree. Visiting the tiny village of Rosthwaite, located in the beautiful Borrowdale Valley in the Lake District, where much of the action takes place, helped give context and inspiration to Colleen.

Colleen continues to act for stage and film. She studies sculpting and ceramics. And enjoys traveling to Comic Cons around the world, where her husband is a frequent guest.

Her series of historical novels is titled The Shadows of Rosthwaite. The second book in the series, Face of Fortune, was released on February 1, 2020. Published by Phase Publishing, LLC.

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Monday, April 20
Review at Passages to the Past
Review at WTF Are You Reading?

Tuesday, April 21
Review at Gwendalyn's Books

Wednesday, April 22
Feature at Just One More Chapter

Friday, April 24
Review at Books and Zebras

Monday, April 27
Feature at I'm Into Books
Review at History + Fiction + Adirondack Spirit

Wednesday, April 29
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Review at Jessica Belmont
Feature at Books In Their Natural Habitat

Saturday, May 2
Review at Historical Graffiti

Monday, May 4
Review at YA, It's Lit

Tuesday, May 5
Feature at The Book Junkie Reads

Thursday, May 7
Review at Books, Cooks, Looks (Book #1)

Friday, May 8
Review at A Darn Good Read
Review at Books, Cooks, Looks (Book #2)


During the Blog Tour, we are giving away a paperback copy of Face of Fortune! To enter, please use the Gleam form below.

Giveaway Rules

– Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm EST on May 8th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Paperback giveaway is open to the US only.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspicion of fraud will be decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– The winner has 48 hours to claim prize or a new winner is chosen.

Face of Fortune

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