04 October 2019

Guest Post & Giveaway: Dragon Lady by Autumn Bardot

Dragon Lady was an exceptional read and I am so excited to be hosting Author Autumn Bardot today. She has written a great post and we also have a giveaway so be sure to enter!

Thank you so much Passages to the Past for giving me this great opportunity today. Usually, when I guest blog, I discuss an aspect of my latest historical novel. But last week I had a pretty harrowing week at work—I’m a high school teacher—and thought I’d share how my role as a teacher and author crossed paths.

I teach high achievers, the college-bound students, so behavior problems are nonexistent. Lucky me, right? But some problems transcend IQ and student effort. What happened, you ask?

Two students came to me with horrible stories. One of sexual assault, the other of abuse. I wondered why these students came to me. I’m ‘old’ to them and certainly not the ‘fun’ teacher. I do, after all, prepare them for rigorous exams and have demanding writing standards. The students spent hours in my room, skipped a few classes to vent and share and get advice. When students confide in a teacher, decide to have trust in you, it’s a privilege and a bit daunting. You want to do right by them. And as I thought about their troubles, I couldn’t help but keep wondering, why did they come to me?

Then it hit me…
And that’s where the author me and the teacher me converged.

As I lecture about novels and characters and conflict and themes, I share my preference for books about strong women in tough situations. My students ask what kind of books I write. (They don’t know my pen name.) I say I write about real women in history who lived in a violent world. Women, who no fault of their own, had to be brave to survive. Who did things they never thought they would have to. Women who grew into their power. Women who didn’t rely on men to save them. Who took control of their lives.

Maybe that resonated with the female students who needed to find courage in their own lives. Maybe they thought I understood violence and courage. Maybe they thought I would not judge them. Maybe they thought I was brave.

I am proud of these students. The actions they took were very brave and changed the trajectory of their lives. They don’t want to be victims. They want to fight back. They refuse to let the events that happened destroy their chances to make a good life for themselves.

Women need more powerful courageous women in their life, more examples of women who took the proverbial bull by the horns.

Those students don’t know it, but they gave me the courage and the inspiration to keep writing about bad ass women in history. I’m writing for them. For women who need a role model, even if that role model lived a thousand years ago. To know we are strong. We are resilient. We will survive.

To date, I have completed four novels about fearless women and daring passions in history.

The Impaler’s Wife ~ A young woman is swept into a life of intrigue, revenge, passion, and betrayal when she falls for the world’s most notorious prince, Vlad Dracula.

Dragon Lady ~ The triumph of the notorious Zheng Yi Sao is the fierce and unflinching adventure of how a prostitute became the most powerful and successful pirate in the world.

The Emperor’s Assassin ~ A young woman’s life changes forever when a young Emperor Nero commands her to be his personal poisoner.

Confessions of a Sheba Queen ~ historical erotica/Cleis press ~ March 10, 2020 ~ An erotic and triumphant retelling of an indomitable woman succeeding in a man’s world.

Diros (working title) ~ late 2020 ~ The story of the women of Diros, Greece, who repelled the invading Turks.

Subscribe to my newsletter at autumnbardot.com for swag, sneak peeks, and a chance to receive early review copies.

Thank you so much for allowing me to guest post! You’re awesome!

Dragon Lady by Autumn Bardot

Publication Date: August 1, 2019
Flores Publishing

Genre: Historical Fiction

"Prostitution required the violation of my body. Piracy required my soul. The first enslaved me. The second set me free. "

Against all odds, a prostitute becomes the most powerful pirate chieftain in the South China Seas. Sold into slavery by her parents, Xianggu works on a floating brothel for ten years before a midnight pirate raid changes her life. Determined to rise above her lowly status, the fearless young woman embarks on a journey requiring beauty, brains, and brawn.

Red Flag boss, Zheng Yi, is captivated by the spirited Xianggu and soon makes her his wife. This begins her adventure into the violent world of sea banditry. But Xianggu must do more than learn to wield a sword, sail a ship, and swim across a bay. She must become indispensable to Zheng Yi or risk losing everything, even her life.

In 18th century China, when men made and enforced the rules, the Dragon Lady lived by her own.

Available on Amazon

About the Author

Autumn Bardot writes historical fiction and erotica about sassy women and daring passions!

Her erotic fiction includes Legends of Lust, Erotic Myths from around the World, published by Cleis Press. Confessions of a Sheba Queen (erotica) will be available Jan 2020.

The Impaler's Wife is her debut historical fiction, released in April 2019.

Autumn has a BA in English literature and a MaEd in curriculum and instruction. She’s been teaching literary analysis for fourteen years

When Autumn’s not writing or working, you'll find her hanging out with her ever-growing family, spoiled husband, and pampered rescue pooch. Her favorite things include salty French fries, coffee, swimming, and a great book.

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Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, September 2
Review at Gwendalyn's Books
Review at Books In Their Natural Habitat

Wednesday, September 4
Feature at I'm All About Books

Friday, September 6
Review at Coffee and Ink

Saturday, September 7
Review & Excerpt at Robin Loves Reading

Tuesday, September 10
Excerpt at Maiden of the Pages

Thursday, September 12
Review & Excerpt at The Book Junkie Reads

Friday, September 13
Review at A Chick Who Reads
Review at WTF Are You Reading?

Monday, September 16
Review at 100 Pages a Day

Wednesday, September 18
Review at Locks, Hooks and Books

Friday, September 20
Feature at Historical Fiction with Spirit

Monday, September 23
Review at Beth's Book Nook Blog

Wednesday, September 25
Excerpt at BeadyJans Books

Friday, September 27
Feature at CelticLady's Reviews

Monday, September 30
Review at Passages to the Past

Thursday, October 3
Review at Al-Alhambra

Friday, October 4
Guest Post at Passages to the Past

Saturday, October 5
Feature at Broken Teepee

Monday, October 7
Guest Post at Myths, Legends, Books & Coffee Pots


During the Blog Tour, we are giving away a paperback copy of Dragon Lady! To enter, please use the Gleam form below.

Giveaway Rules

– Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm EST on October 7th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open to the US only.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspicion of fraud will be decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– The winner has 48 hours to claim prize or a new winner is chosen.

Dragon Lady

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