14 August 2019

Review & Giveaway: The Sorcerer's Whore by Samantha Grosser

The Sorcerer's Whore by Samantha Grosser

Publication Date: July 16, 2019
eBook: 330 Pages

Series: Pages of Darkness, #2
Genre: Historical Fiction/Historical Fantasy

A cursed child, a dangerous path, and a price to pay…

Six-fingered Mary Sparrow dreams of escape from the brothel that is the only world she knows. But when a mysterious old man drives her friend to madness, she begins to fear for her life.

Toby Chyrche also hopes for a better future, away from the confines of the tailor’s shop where it seems his fate is set in stone. So when a chance meeting with an old man at the brothel offers him a different path, he is only too eager to accept. Then the discovery of an ancient book of magic throws a new and shocking light onto the past - his mother had a brother, and that brother was a witch.

As the old man’s shadow over Bankside lengthens, Mary is drawn into the growing web of darkness. Unable to escape its reach, she turns to Toby for help. But Toby has daemons of his own to face. Will possession of the book be enough to protect them from the old man’s power? And what price will they have to pay for victory?

For the Sorcerer’s Whore, nothing is as it seems …

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The Sorcerer's Whore is the second book in Samantha Grosser's Pages of Darkness series, and set 25 years after the end of Book One, Shakespeare's Witch. I loved, loved, loved the first book so I was very anxious to read this one. I love the macabre and the darker side and Samantha's books are just the fix I needed.

I really loved the plot of this one. I don't want to reveal too much as the description sets it perfectly. Grosser brought back some players from the first book and we meet some new ones like Mary Sparrow and Toby.

Grosser is a master at scene setting - the sights and smells of London just jump off the page! I swear I could hear the yells from the traders and smell the meat and fish from the markets. It's a harsh world and Grosser doesn't shy away from detailing it as it was.

Add in a dangerous man set on revenge, a book of magic, the ghost of a witch, and you've got yourself an un-put-down-able read!

If you enjoy your reads on the darker side, and with a bit of sexiness then I highly recommend The Sorcerer's Whore & the first book in the series, Shakespeare's Witch.

About the Author

Historical fiction author Samantha Grosser originally hails from England, but now lives on the sunny Northern Beaches of Sydney with her husband, son and a very small dog called Livvy.

Combining a lifelong love of history with a compulsion to write that dates from childhood, Samantha is now bringing her passion for telling compelling stories to the world.

Samantha has an Honours Degree in English Literature and taught English for many years in Asia and Australia. She is the author of wartime dramas Another Time and Place and The Officer’s Affair, and The King James Men, set during the turbulent early years of 17th Century.

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Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, August 12
Review at Gwendalyn's Books

Wednesday, August 14
Review at Passages to the Past

Sunday, August 18
Feature at Diana_bibliophile

Monday, August 19
Review at Pencils & Pages

Tuesday, August 20
Review at Chicks, Rogues and Scandals

Thursday, August 22
Review at Historical Fiction with Spirit


During the Blog Tour, we are giving away one eBook and one paperback copy of The Sorcerer's Whore! To enter, please use the Gleam form below.

Giveaway Rules

– Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm EST on August 22nd. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open to the US only.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspicion of fraud will be decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– The winner has 48 hours to claim prize or a new winner is chosen.

Sorcerer's Whore

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