20 June 2019

Review: God's Children by Mabli Roberts

God's Children by Mabli Roberts

Publication Date: April 11, 2019
Honno Press
Paperback & eBook

Genre: Historical Fiction

'Kate Marsden: nurse, intrepid adventurer, saviour of the lepers or devious manipulator, immoral and dishonest?'

As she lies on her deathbed visited by the ghosts of her past, who should we believe, Kate or those who accuse her of duplicity? Memory is a fickle thing: recollections may be frozen in time or distorted by the mirror of wishful thinking. Kate’s own story is one of incredible achievements, illicit love affairs and desperate longing; those of her accusers paint a very different portrait – of a woman determined on fame and fortune.

The reader navigates a narrative as fractured as the Siberian ice Kate crosses in search of a cure for leprosy, and as beautiful as Rose, her lost love, as the full picture emerges of a life lived when women were not expected to break the mould.



God's Children is an eye-opening and compelling novel based on the life of Kate Marsden, a nurse who is determined to find a cure for Leprosy. She travels to Siberia in search of a mysterious flower that was rumored to be the cure and to ultimately build a hospital to care for the Lepers.

It was heartwrenching to read how Lepers were treated back then. They were run off and left to fend for themselves in remote areas. Too awful for words.

Roberts chronicles the hardships Kate endured, from her dangerous travels through Siberia (you won't believe what she went through!), the shunning from the public because of her dealings with the lepers, and journalists who questioned her true intentions. She came through it all with the grace of a woman who knows her true heart and fierce determination to take care of God's most afflicted creatures.

The book jumps back and forth from before, during, and after Siberia. Some may not like the time jumps, but I thought it worked well, and the story paced nicely.

I found Kate to be a truly fascinating woman! Her drive and conviction are inspiring, and I am so glad that I got to learn about her.

Thanks to Emma and Damp Pebbles for my tour invite!

About the Author

Mabli Roberts lives in a wild, mountainous part of Wales. She has an MA in Creative Writing from Lancaster University and has worked as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Wales, Newport. Most of her inspiration comes from her love of history and from long walks in the timeless landscape around her.

Mabli also writes as Paula Brackston, PJ Brackston and PJ Davy. Nutters was shortlisted for the Mind Book Award and The Witch’s Daughter was a New York Times bestseller.

Her work has been translated into five languages and is sold around the world. You can find out more about her books on her website, her Author’s Facebook page and YouTube channel as well as the God's Children Facebook page.

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