05 June 2018

Book Review: Lancelot by Giles Kristian {Blog Tour}

Lancelot by Giles Kristian

Publication Date: May 31, 2018
Bantam Press
Hardcover; 512 Pages

Genre: Historical Fiction

Set in a 5th century post-Roman Britain besieged by invading war bands of Saxons and Franks, Irish and Picts, Giles Kristian's epic new novel tells - through the warrior's own words - the story of Lancelot, the most celebrated of all King Arthur's knights. And it's a story that’s ready to be re-imagined for our times.

It’s a story imbued with the magic and superstition that was such an integral part of the enchanted landscape of Britain during this dark times. Many of the familiar names from Arthurian mythology will be here - Mordred and Gawain, Morgana and, of course, Merlin - as will be those vital icons of the legend such as the Round Table and the sword in the stone but these will be reinvented, reforged for a new generation of readers.

Lancelot is a story of warriors and kings, of violent, of warfare and bloodshed but it is also a story of loyalty and friendship, of over-arching ambition, of betrayal and guilt, of love and lust, and the win tragedies of revenge and remorse.

My Review

5 Stars (because a Million stars isn't an option)

You guys, I just finished reading the most amazing book and I have a massive book hang over! I stayed up super late last night to finish up Lancelot and if there is ever a good reason to be completely knackered all day, it's this one.

I'd been hearing wonderful things about Lancelot on Twitter and Goodreads so when Anne at Random Things Book Tours emailed me about the blog tour, you can bet that I wrote her back within seconds. I've never been a huge reader of Arthurian novels but Lancelot has changed that. Though I don't think any other book will compare with Kristian's now.

Giles Kristian is a true story-teller. His writing is absolutely gorgeous and I immediately fell in love with the book within the first page. It's one of those books that you never want to put down. I was reading while cooking, while giving my kids a bath, and made my husband drive so that I could read while running errands. I just wanted to stay in Lancelot's world.

I know I'll be picking up the hardcover copy of Lancelot, because just look at that cover! Agh, it's stunning! I need this book on my shelf so that I can go back and read it again and again.

I have a new author crush, so excuse me while I go out and pick up the rest of Giles' books to devour.

Thanks to Anne Cater of Random Things Book Tours for my review copy, and thanks to Giles Kristian for an amazing adventure. Lancelot will stay with me forever.

About the Author

Family history (he is half Norwegian) inspired GILES KRISTIAN to write his first historical novels: the acclaimed and bestselling Raven Viking trilogy – Blood Eye, Sons of Thunder and Odin's Wolves. For his next series, he drew on a long-held fascination with the English Civil War to chart the fortunes of a family divided by that brutal conflict in The Bleeding Land and Brothers’ Fury. Giles also co-wrote Wilbur Smith’s recent No.1 bestseller, Golden Lion but in his new novels – God of Vengeance (a Times Book of the Year) and now Winter’s Fire – he returns to the world of the Vikings to tell the story of Sigurd and his celebrated fictional fellowship. Giles Kristian lives in Leicestershire.