10 December 2017

2018 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge - Sign Up Open!

Hello everyone & welcome to the Sign Up Page for the 2018 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge!

I am thrilled to be hosting this challenge again at Passages to the Past! Sign Ups are open and ready for all that would like to join the challenge.

Here are the Reading Challenge details:

Each month, a new post dedicated to the HF Challenge will be created. To participate, you only have to follow the rules:
  • Everyone can participate! If you don't have a blog you can post a link to your review if it's posted on Goodreads, Facebook, or Amazon, or you can add your book title and thoughts in the comment section if you wish.
  • Add the link(s) of your review(s) including your name and book title to the Mister Linky we’ll be adding to our monthly post (please use the direct URL that will guide us directly to your review)
  • Any sub-genre of historical fiction is accepted (Historical Romance, Historical Mystery, Historical Fantasy, Young Adult, History/Non-Fiction, etc.)
During the following 12 months you can choose one of the different reading levels:

20th Century Reader - 2 books
Victorian Reader - 5 books
Renaissance Reader - 10 books
Medieval - 15 books
Ancient History - 25 books
Prehistoric - 50+ books

To join the challenge you only need to make a post about it, add your link in Mr. Linky below or just leave a link to your blog if you are not yet ready to post about it yet. If you don't have a blog you can just leave a comment for this post saying that you are joining, and link to your Facebook, Goodreads or other social media page where you will be sharing your reviews.

The challenge runs from January 1st to December 31st, 2018.

I look forward to having you join me in reading and enjoying the best in historical fiction over the 12 months.

Don't forget to grab the Reading Challenge Button to post on your blog. If you'd like a specific size, just let me know and I will send it over to you via email. Please share about the Reading Challenge to your fellow friends and readers using the hashtag below!


If you have any questions or comments please leave a comment on this post or email Amy at passagestothepast@gmail.com.

What is your reading goal for 2018? What Reading Challenge level are you aiming for?

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  1. Replies
    1. Woo Hoo! I'm so happy to hear that :) Thank you! I look forward to your reviews.

  2. I'm gonna go for Renaissance Reader for 2018. I surpassed my 2017 goal of Victorian, but didn't quite make Medieval this year, with 13 historical fiction books.

    1. Go you! That's more than I was able to read! Good luck this year :)

  3. Hi,
    I'm ready to read! I love this challenge!

    1. I forgot to mention that I will be attempting to read Ancient History and hopefully Prehistoric. Good Luck everyone!

  4. I am in. This should be fun. I am going for Medival of 15 books. I share reviews at https://www.goodreads.com/innersavvy Looking forward to reading other reviews.

  5. How can I change my name, I entered my mail id by mistake

  6. I'm so excited to join this challenge! :D Thank you for hosting!

  7. I am ready to do this challenge. It's my first time.

  8. I've signed up and I'm going for Prehistoric...purely on the basis I looked at my reading schedule for January and most of it is historical fiction!

  9. Ok, going to try! Going for Medieval - 15 books... way less than I used to read, but hopefully I can gobble a bunch up during breaks

  10. Would love to join the fun. As it's my first year I'll go sensible and go Renaissance - 10 books. Thank you! And Jenn for signposting me here.

  11. I'm signing up for the Prehistoric level again. Thanks for hosting!

  12. This is my first time participating. I am going for Medieval level - 15 books. Thanks for hosting a challenge involving my favorite book genre!

    1. Updated Challenge Goal: On second thought, since the challenge hasn't officially started, I will go for Renaissance Reader - 10 books instead. That seems like a more realistic goal for my first attempt at this challenge.

  13. I'm joining in for the first time as I really enjoy historical fiction.

  14. I'm so excited to dive into some great historical fiction reads in 2018!

  15. I'm joining for the first time, going for the Ancient History level based on my reading for the past few years. Historical fiction is my genre of choice! Thanks for hosting

    1. Posting reviews here:https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/33651681-tammy-sorrell

  16. I just stumbled across this challenge, but I'm already looking forward to it. I'm aiming to become a Renaissance Reader. Thanks for hosting!

  17. I'm in again! Probably going to go with Renaissance to Medieval, 10-15 titles. We'll see how the year goes. My reading habits have slowed down like crazy; I haven't even uploaded a review in 2 months. *cringe* So that level is probably about what I could handle in foreseeable future. Thanks again for running this challenge!! I love exploring all the history titles others are reading (even though I may not be as good on the commenting part as I could be). :)

  18. I made it to Medieval level this year, so let's hope I can do at least that in 2018!

  19. Didn't quite make it to the Victorian level in 2017 so I will try again. Good luck everyone and thanks again for hosting this challenge

  20. I made it to 49 books! I did make my goal of the Ancient History Level, looking forward to planning out next year.

  21. I am sticking with it this year, darn it.

  22. I'm so excited to be joining in this year! It's the right motivation I need to get back into reading historical fiction!

    Simply Angela

  23. I'll go for ten, as I'm taking part in another challenge with some heavyweight books.

  24. Im going for 5 - this year is really going to be a better reading year... I keep promising myself! More HF in the agenda.

  25. I have only gone and registered twice, can you remove 49. Yvonne, pretty please.
    Looking forward to this challange, 1st tim for me xx

  26. I’m in for the first time. I’ll post on Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/18499870-lara-maynard and sometimes on my Facebook page The Bletchley Circle Watchers https://www.facebook.com/TheBletchleyCircleWatchers/ when the books l read are relevant to that. I sometimes blog about books there, especially WWII fiction. Looking forward to participating!

  27. Q: please clarify for a newbie: Are the reading challenge levels meant to be per month or for the duration of the reading challenge? Ex. Does a Victorian Reader do 5 books in January or over the whole challenge time?

  28. Is the badge the image of the woman reading at the top of this post? Got it, then.

  29. I want to take the Reading Challenge to read 2 20th Century books.

  30. I have not been able to keep up with the reading challenge the past year, but I hope to stay current this time around. Thanks again for hosting this!

  31. Hallo Ms Bruno,

    I need to create a page dedicated to my Historical readings this year, however, in lieu of that I wanted to at least leave a comment to announce I am participating! :) Once I have the post live on my blog I'll add it to the linky directly. I have one review so far to share for January with more to follow,... I read my first Mills & Boon Historical recently and positively loved it! It took me by surprise as it wasn't the typical story I was expecting to find.

    Without even trying I tend to be Pre-Historic with my #HistFic, so I'll re-attempt this during 2018 as well! :)

  32. Thanks so much for hosting this! A couple of years ago, I discovered this wonderful genre. I'm looking forward to reading some wonderful historical fiction books this year. I have signed up!

  33. What a fun idea! My bubblebath, a candle and my kindle. My idea of heaven... oh, and a glass of champagne.

  34. Great idea, I’m in. I’m not setting a level, I’ll let it evolve. I’ve already read two historical novels and started a third. My favorite sub genre is historical mysteries.

  35. Im in! 20th century reader here

  36. I came across this challenge while writing a blog for Fairlight Books. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else is reading and recommending. Most of all I'd like to find some hidden gems of the genre!
    I'm aiming for Victorian Reader.

  37. Signed up Amy even though I am a bit late!

  38. I'm in as well - Victorian reader :)

  39. Is the badge the image of the woman reading at the top of this post? Got it, then.
