07 June 2014

Giveaway Winners

Time to make some readers very happy! Please help me in congratulating the following giveaway winners...

The Tenor by Peter Danish...Denise Duvall

The Winter Siege by D.W. Bradbridge...Denise Duvall

The Venetian Bargain by Marina Fiorato...Kimberlee Gibbs

The Illusionists by Rosie Thomas...Kathleen Kelly

I Am Livia by Phyllis T. Smith...Melanie Teabird

Night in Shanghai by Nicole Mones...Audra Friend

Daughter of the Gods by Stephanie Thornton...Sarah Docherty

To Live Forever by Andra Watkins...Amber Terry

My Lady Viper by E. Knight...Emma Cazabonne

Puritan Witch by Peni Jo Renner...Beckie Stoneking

Love at Pemberley Novella eBook Trilogy...Mystica Varathapalan

City of Promises by D. Grant Fitter...Jai Gagne

The Spymistress by Jennifer Chiaverini...Anita Yancey

The Runaway Highlander by R.L. Syme...Amy Campbell

Mrs. Poe by Lynn Cullen...Patricia Barraclough

Emails have been send to the winners. They have 72 hours to respond or a new winner is chosen. Thanks to all who entered!


  1. Congratulations Mystica and Happy reading!

  2. thank you! can't wait to read I am Livia.

  3. Thank you so much.
    Congratulations to all the winners.

  4. Huge congratulations to the winners! Enjoy your lovely books. :-)

  5. Thank you! I have responded and am looking forward to reading it!

  6. Thank you for selecting my name.

    Congratulations to all the lucky winners.

  7. Congrats to all the winners! Enjoy!
