23 April 2014

Win a copy of Night in Shanghai by Nicole Mones

Author Nicole Mones is currently on a blog tour with HF Virtual Book Tours and Passages to the Past is proud to be hosting it today with a giveaway!

02_Night in ShanghaiPublication Date: March 4, 2014
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Formats: Hardcover, eBook

Genre: Historical Fiction

In 1936, classical pianist Thomas Greene is recruited to Shanghai to lead a jazz orchestra of fellow African-American expats. From being flat broke in segregated Baltimore to living in a mansion with servants of his own, he becomes the toast of a city obsessed with music, money, pleasure and power, even as it ignores the rising winds of war.

Song Yuhua is refined, educated, and bonded since age eighteen to Shanghai’s most powerful crime boss in payment for her father’s gambling debts. Outwardly submissive, she burns with rage and risks her life spying on her master for the Communist Party.

Only when Shanghai is shattered by the Japanese invasion do Song and Thomas find their way to each other. Though their union is forbidden, neither can back down from it in the turbulent years of occupation and resistance that follow. Torn between music and survival, freedom and commitment, love and world war, they are borne on an irresistible riff of melody and improvisation to Night in Shanghai’s final, impossible choice.

In this impressively researched novel, Nicole Mones not only tells the forgotten story of black musicians in the Chinese Jazz age, but also weaves in a stunning true tale of Holocaust heroism little-known in the West.

Praise for Night in Shanghai

“Based on true episodes and peppered with the lives and experiences of actual characters from the worlds of politics, music, the military, and the government, Mones’ engrossing historical novel illuminates the danger, depravity, and drama of this dark period with brave authenticity.” — Carol Haggas, Booklist

“Mones’ breathless and enlightening account of an African-American jazzman and his circle in prewar Shanghai… keep(s) the suspense mounting until the end.” — Kirkus Reviews

"Amid the plethora of World War II fiction, Mones’s fourth novel (after The Last Chinese Chef) offers a rarely seen African American and Asian perspective. Fans of works such as Amor Towles’s Rules of Civility will appreciate the use of jazz as the backdrop to a world at war. Historical fiction fans will not be disappointed." — Library Journal

"With a magician’s sleight of hand, Nicole Mones conjures up the jazz-filled, complex, turbulent world of Shanghai just before World War II. A feast for the senses…the lives and loves of expatriate musicians intertwine with the growing tensions between the Communist Party and the Nationalist Party, while the ominous threats from the Japanese stir the winds of war. A rich and thoroughly captivating read." – Gail Tsukiyama, author of The Samurai’s Garden

"What an incredible thing Mones does in this novel of the compelling, sexy, rich and complicated world of historical Shanghai. Every page reveals some custom, some costume, some food, some trick of language that exposes a fascinating moment in history — the Japanese invasion on the eve of World War II. Mones weaves the multiple strands of her story much the way themes and melodies are woven into the jazz her protagonist plays, with subtle and suggestive undertones of human greed, power, and passion." – Marisa Silver, author of Mary Coin


Buy the Book

Barnes & Noble

About the Author

03_Nicole MonesA newly launched textile business took Nicole Mones to China for the first time in 1977, after the end of the Cultural Revolution. As an individual she traded textiles with China for eighteen years before she turned to writing about that country. Her novels Night in Shanghai, The Last Chinese Chef, Lost in Translation and A Cup of Light are in print in more than twenty-two languages and have received multiple juried prizes, including the Kafka Prize (year’s best work of fiction by any American woman) and Kiriyama Prize (finalist; for the work of fiction which best enhances understanding of any Pacific Rim Culture).

Mones’ nonfiction writing on China has also appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Gourmet, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post. She is a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. For more information visir www.nicolemones.com.

Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Monday, April 7
Review at Ageless Pages Reviews

Tuesday, April 8
Spotlight & Giveaway at The Bookworm

Wednesday, April 9
Review at Flashlight Commentary

Thursday, April 10
Review at Oh, for the Hook of a Book

Friday, April 11
Interview at Oh, for the Hook of a Book

Monday, April 14
Spotlight & Giveaway at A Lovely Bookshelf on the Wall

Tuesday, April 15
Review, Interview, & Giveaway at Drey's Library

Wednesday, April 16
Review at A Bibliotaph's Reviews

Friday, April 18
Review & Giveaway at Our Wolves Den

Monday, April 21
Guest Post at Jorie Loves a Story
Review at WTF Are You Reading?

Wednesday, April 23
Review at Jorie Loves a Story
Spotlight & Giveaway at Passages to the Past

Thursday, April 24
Interview at Mina's Bookshelf

Friday, April 25
Guest Post & Giveaway at Bibliophilia, Please

Monday, April 28
Review at Svetlana's Reads and Views


To enter to win a copy of Night in Shanghai please complete the form below. Giveaway is open to US residents only and ends on May 3rd.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 photo 7d0112c7-e98a-4902-a480-b9d903d02575.png


  1. This novel which is captivating and fascinating would be memorable and unforgettable. Fascinating historical. Thanks for this great giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  2. This novel sounds like something I'd greatly enjoy! I'm a fan of novels featuring old-China days.

  3. Thank you for the opportunity to read "Night In Shanghai". On the whole, what one learns about WWII history is more than bit biased toward the Nazi angle. There are other stories of heroism, just waiting to be given more credit and spotlight. Thank you for bringing this interesting complex time in time in history to light.

  4. How intriguing. I would really enjoy this story.

  5. I don't know a lot about this time in history, but it sounds like a very interesting read. I love the beautiful cover. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  6. Night in Shanghai sounds great. Thank you for the giveaway.

  7. Wow, I would love to read this book! I visited Shanghai in 1993 (a very long time ago!) and will never forget it. The history of this city is incrediably fascainating so I am reading everything that I can find on Shanghai. This is the book that I have seen so far that is written about this time in Shanghai History. I am a big fan of Historical Fiction!! CarolN Wong(at)aol(dot)com

  8. I've heard some good things about this book!

  9. Sounds like a facinating story!

  10. thank you for the giveaway!!
    I would love to read it!!!

  11. I think for myself but if all the top reviewers are dazzled by this author's craft in this work, I hardly expect to be unimpressed! Would love to win!

  12. What a lovely cover and it sounds like a fascinating story!

  13. American jazz players in China in the early 20th century are not anything I have heard discussed before. I know they went to Europe, but didn't realize China had opened its doors to western culture. This should be and interesting book.
    (Patricia B on Rafflecopter)
