26 April 2014

Kicking Off Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon / Hour 0 Meme

I am so excited to be finally participating in the annual Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-Thon! Although this year is probably not the best year to start with two boys scrambling to get in my lap, a daughter getting ready for Senior Prom, and two businesses but what the hell?!

If you are unfamiliar with the event, you can read about the history here, which also includes a lovely tribute to the founder of the read-a-thon, Dewey. There are almost 800 blogs participating....what a legacy to have!

Hashtags: #Readathon #Dewey #MiniChallenge #RahRahReadathon

My first read is The Forgotten Seamstress by Kimberly Freeman:

Hour 0 Kick-Off Meme

What fine part of the world are you reading from today?

I am in a suburb of Atlanta, about 30 minutes from downtown and an hour from the mountains. It's a beautiful, sunny day (finally!) and I may take my Read-a-Thon to the park with my boys later today.

Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

That's a toughy! I have four titles lined up and I'm actually looking forward to them all for different reasons:

The Forgotten Seamstress by Liz Trenow: my bloggy buddy Erin from Flashlight Commentary recommended this one to me and I've learned that when Erin says to read a book then you should stop what you're doing and listen!

Ember Island by Kimberly Freeman: I just adore time slips and the cover is to die for! She's a new author to me so I hope it's a good one!

A Rip in the Veil by Anna Belfrage: this is the first novel in her Graham Saga series. I've coordinated Anna's virtual tours for books two - six and the bloggers on the tours absolutely love the series so it's finally time for me to give it a go!

The Lost Duchess by Jenny Barden: Big, gorgeous hunk of a book that I can't wait to dive into! Set in Virginia during Elizabethan times, I'm sold!

Which snack are you most looking forward to?

Popcorn! It's not just for movies...

Tell us a little something about yourself!

 Oh gosh, where to start? I'm a thirty-something wife and mom to three - my daughter will be graduating high school next month and my two boys are under the age of two. Yes, we're a little crazy for starting over but we're having fun!

I have been blogging at Passages to the Past since 2008 and  I own and operate two Virtual Tour companies - Book Junkie Promotions and Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours.

My reading tastes focus primarily on historical fiction (obviously), though I also enjoy mysteries, fantasies, fairy-tale retellings, non-fiction/history, and some chick lit.

If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? 

The feeling of accomplishment (my backlog is enormous) and to mingle with the reading community!

Are you participating in the Read-a-Thon? If so, any historical titles among your stack of reads?


  1. Yay! Another popcorn lover! Happy read-a-thon! #teamrogue

  2. Shoot wish I had known you were reading today. I would have popped by to cheer you on.

    Wow, how did I miss that you started another tour company. That's awesome. I don't know how you do it all Amy!
