13 November 2012

2013 Release: Queen's Gambit by Elizabeth Fremantle

Just came across a future release by debut author Elizabeth Fremantle.  Her novel Queen's Gambit features Henry VIII's last wife, Katherine Parr.  Isn't the cover to die for?!

Queen's Gambit
by Elizabeth Fremantle

Release Date:  June 18, 2013
Simon & Schuster


For fans of Hilary Mantel, Philippa Gregory and Alison Weir, Elizabeth Fremantle's first novel, "Queen's Gambit", is a riveting account of Katherine Parr, the Tudor queen who married four men and outlived three of them - including Henry VIII. Widowed for the second time aged thirty-one, Katherine is obliged to return to court but, suspicious of the aging Henry and those who surround him, she does so with reluctance. Nevertheless when she finds herself caught up in a passionate affair with the dashing and seductive Thomas Seymour, she believes she might finally be able to marry for love. But her presence at court has attracted the attentions of another...Captivated by her honesty and intelligence, Henry Tudor has his own plans for Katherine and no one is in the position to refuse a proposal from the king. With her charismatic lover dispatched to the continent, Katherine becomes Henry's sixth wife. Passionate about religious reform, and ever aware of the fates of his previous queens, she must draw upon all her instincts and intellect to navigate the treachery of the court. With the Catholic faction once more in the ascendency, reformers burned for heresy and those around the dying king vying for position in the new regime, her survival seems unlikely - and yet she has still not quite given up on love...Rich in atmosphere and period detail, and told through the eyes of Katherine and her young maid Dot, "Queen's Gambit" is the story of two very different women during a terrifying and turbulent time.


  1. Can't wait to read this one! Thanks for letting us know about it.


  2. That is a fabulous cover not to mention it is from my absolute favourite time in history! Can't wait to read this one!

  3. Ooh, this sounds like a great read! It goes without saying- The Tudors' exploits are so rich in history.

    Thanks for posting this!

  4. I can't wait for this one either...I didn't know much about Katherine Parr until I watched Showtime's The Tudor's (yes, I know, I probably still don't know much :p) and I'm intrigued about how she was able to keep her head and King Henry's mindset by this time of his life. Adding this one to the WishList :)
