22 September 2011

Passages to the Past is going on hiatus

To the lovely followers of Passages to the Past, 

I wanted to let you know that I will be going on hiatus from blogging and reviewing for a little while.  My husband and I have unfortunately suffered another set back in our endeavor to expand the family and with this being the second loss this year (and our third overall), I am just needing to take a break.  You may see a guest post or giveaway occasionally because I want to try and keep as many of my commitments as possible, but I won't be posting reviews.  

You won't be able to miss me too much though because I am still hard at work on my tours at HF Virtual Book Tours.  I can't tell you how much I enjoy working on the tours and how they have helped me keep my mind occupied over these past few weeks as we were awaiting an answer.

I want to apologize for any inconvenience I am causing the authors and publicists I have committed to, I just really need to take time for myself, to heal both emotionally and physically.

Thank you all and I'll be seeing you around.

Take care.


  1. Blessings to you, Amy! Your reviews will be missed, but taking care of yourself is the most important thing.

  2. Amy~
    I'm so sorry to hear this.
    Take care and come back when you feel the time is right.

  3. Aww Amy I'm sorry. Keep your head up girl - eventually things get better. That's the motto I have been saying all year as around every corner I keep running into tragedy too.

    Feel better!

  4. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Amy. Take care!

  5. Amy dear, I don't unlurk very often but please know you are in my prayers. You'll be missed, but just come back whenever you feel up to it again. Take care of yourself.

  6. Hey Amy, I'll be praying for you. Take all the time you need. I'll look for your posts when you return. My RSS subscription is staying right here.

  7. We will miss you my dear. Take care of yourself (and your husband). We will be right here waiting when you return.

  8. Amy, I am sorry to hear of your struggles. Please take care of yourself.

    You and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers.


  9. Oh Amy. I am so sorry for your loss. You are doing the right thing in taking the time you need to heal.

    You will be missed though!

  10. Hugs & Blessings to you, hubby, and family as you work through this...Take all the time you need, because *you* are most important right now.

  11. Amy, you will be missed, and we will be overjoyed when you return to us. I belong to a group of ladies who will join our hands and hearts for you every week when we are together and also when we are alone. we will send our good thoughts , strength and love to you and your's. We know you will become stronger, and that everything will work out as it is suppose to for you.
    Luv Gail

  12. I am so sorry, Amy! You will be missed, though.

  13. Oh Amy, I'm so sorry. Your presence in the historical fiction blogging world will definitely be missed :(

  14. Amy...soooo sorry to hear about your losses and your struggles this year. Please know that I'm wishing you all the best during your blog break for YOU and for your family. Of course you should take all the time you need and you should not feel bad/sad about it one bit. But I know that you care about your blog and all that you've put into it and you'll be worried about losing your readers, etc. I know that I speak for the rest of your readers in that we fully support you and will be there for you all the way. Sending you all the best.

    Fondly, Roberta

  15. I'm so sorry, Amy. You and your husband are in my thoughts.

  16. Amy, My heart and prayers are with you.

  17. Sorry to hear of your sad news, Amy.
    I hope you and your husband get the time and space you need to heal.

  18. You and yours must come first. Sorry to hear of your loss, prayers go out to you.

  19. We will be here when you are ready to come back. Take care of yourself. HUGS

  20. I will miss you Amy. You are my greatest source of historical fiction :/

    *hugs to you and hubby* Take care and I will see you when you get back

  21. I'm so sorry to hear you and your husband are going through this! Take all the time you need! Your health and emotional well-being is of course way more important than blogging. Though I'll miss your posts!

  22. Aww Amy I am so sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need, and we will be here when you are ready. I'll be sure to check in on you once in while.
    Take care my Georgia Peach.

  23. I'm so sorry to hear that! You'll be in my prayers.

  24. Oh Amy, I am so, sorry - my heart is just breaking for you. Please take care of yourself - that's the most important thing.

  25. Amy, so sorry to hear of your losses. Take as much time as away as you need; your followers will still be here.

  26. The outpouring of love is amazing. I hope that you take the time to heal yourself. We will all miss you, but we certainly understand!

  27. Amy, I am so sorry for your hardship and loss, and I will be thinking of you. Please take care of yourself, and don't worry about the blog. We will all be here when you return.

  28. so sorry to hear this Amy. you are in my prayer, and of course I keep you in my google reader and will be delighted to see you again later, happy and healed. take care of yourself, we love you. Emma @ Words And Peace

  29. So sorry for the loss you and your husband have suffered. Time away is understandable for sure. Take care and heal up!


  30. Oh Amy, I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine. As someone who struggled for quite some time with infertility in my younger years, my heart aches for you. Do take care of yourself. That is much more important than anything else right now - and the people who love your blog will still be here when you find your way back to it. *hugs*

  31. I'm so sorry to hear about your sad news, Amy! Know that you're in the thoughts of all of your readers who will miss you dearly. Take good care of yourself and your husband.


  32. I am sorry to hear off your losses; you're in my prayers!

    I visit Passages regularly because you fill me on on the newest releases before anyone else. As I have no good independent bookstore nearby, bloggers like you really provide that human touch to guide my reading. Should the right time for your return come, I'll be checking in again.

  33. I am so sorry. I'll miss you but take time for yourself and you will be in my thoughts until you come back.

  34. Oh, Amy, I'm so sorry. Like everyone above, my thoughts are with you.

  35. Oh Amy, I'm so sorry. Taking a break is the right thing. We'll all still be here when you're ready to return. My thoughts are with you.

  36. Amy, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you feel better soon. We'll miss you.

  37. Oh, Amy, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll be thinking about you. Take as much time as you need, we will be here when you're ready for us again.

  38. Hang in there! I'm sending positive thoughts and monster hugs your way!

  39. Amy, we love you, and we are all waiting for you to get better! Take as much time as you need! Lots and thoughts and prayers are heading your direction!

  40. Oh my heart goes out to you and your family. We'll be here when you return!!

  41. Oh Amy, my heart goes out to you, you and hubby will be in my thoughts. As someone who has been through the lows and highs of infertility and IVF I understand how emotionally & physically draining it is, it takes a toll.
    Be kind to yourself xx

  42. You are the first priority...take care of yourself Amy...

  43. I'm so sorry, Amy. I really hope things get better soon. I am keeping you in my thoughts and sending the positive thought vibes your way. Bottom line...take care of yourself because without you, we wouldn't have Passages to the Past. I know I will certainly remain one of your loyal followers. And, of course, I get to work with you on the tours. =O)

  44. Amy, please know that my heart goes out to you along with lots of hugs. How strong you have been to go through this three times. I was blessed with two sons yet we wanted more children but we were never able to have them. I share your disappointment and sadness, my dear. Please come back to your Passages Family soon. We miss you. God bless.

    Connie Fischer

  45. Amy, my heart goes out to you, please take care of yourself. Best Wishes, Brandy Emily Purdy

  46. I'm so sorry Amy, my heart goes out to you and your husband. Please take good care of yourself.

  47. Amy: I'm trying to do some catching up with blogging buddies and just saw this post. I want you to know that I am thinking of you and your family and sending all good wishes your way. Hugs, too. :)
