14 March 2011

Mailbox Monday

Another Monday, Another Mailbox!! This is a feature where we all share with each other the yummy books that showed up at our doors! WARNING: Mailbox Mondays can lead to extreme envy and GINORMOUS wishlists!!

Mailbox Monday is hosted by Marcia at The Printed Page, but for the month of March MM is on tour and hosted by I'm Booking It.  Yours truly will be the MM host for April!

Hello all and welcome again to my favorite meme of the week!  I hope you all had a great weekend, mine was again entirely too short but I got a lot done so at least it was productive!  This past week I received one book for review and it's one I've been dying to read since I read the first book in the series, Mistress of Rome.  Author Kate Quinn has also graciously offered to stop by PTTP for an interview, so stay tuned for that!

Daughters of Rome
by Kate Quinn

Release Date:  April 5, 2011


A.D. 69. The Roman Empire is up for the taking. The Year of Four Emperors will change everything-especially the lives of two sisters with a very personal stake in the outcome. Elegant and ambitious, Cornelia embodies the essence of the perfect Roman wife. She lives to one day see her loyal husband as Emperor. Her sister Marcella is more aloof, content to witness history rather than make it. But when a bloody coup turns their world upside-down, both women must maneuver carefully just to stay alive. As Cornelia tries to pick up the pieces of her shattered dreams, Marcella discovers a hidden talent for influencing the most powerful men in Rome. In the end, though, there can only be one Emperor...and one Empress. 

That's my mailbox...what goodies came your way?



  1. That looks like another good one! My mailbox post is going to be rather sizeable this week, as I had my monthly library sale on Saturday. I got some good ones though! My post will be up some time tomorrow.

    Have a great reading week!

  2. The book sounds and looks so good. My mailbox is also up.

  3. Beautifully detailed cover. Enjoy your new read.

  4. Oh, I wish I was you! You get these yummy books every week to read. Your "job" has got to be the best.

  5. Aaah, I have her first one on my shelf and hope to acquire this one as well.

  6. I love books set in ancient Rome!

    I received a nice variety of books:
