20 February 2011

My New Venture: Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours

I am so thrilled to announce that I have started a virtual book tour company called Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours!!!

After a year of noodling on the idea I decided it was time for me to man up and take a chance!  I figure with my years of experience in this wonderful Historical Fiction blogging community and my many years in the administrative field that I can combine my talents and try my hand at booking virtual book tours.  

Graciously, author Jules Watson agreed to be my guinea pig and I've been having a blast organizing her virtual book tour for The Raven Queen, which will start tomorrow!


I am looking for bloggers just like you who love Historical Fiction and would like to participate in hosting authors in a virtual book tour!  If this sounds like you, please complete the interest form HERE.

Alternately, I am also looking for authors who are in need of some assistance with booking virtual book tours!  I will work with you to identify and schedule quality bloggers for reviews, interviews, guest posts and giveaways.  

If you'd like more information please visit the Historical Fiction Virtual Book Tours WEBSITE or email me at hfvirtualbooktours@gmail.com.



  1. How exciting. Congratulations and I'm sure it will be a great success.
    I'll go check out the website.

  2. Congratulations, Amy, and the best of luck on the new venture! I'm sure you'll turn this into something very special. :)

  3. Congratulations - I didn't realize you were starting a new endeavor. I'm honored to be a part of your inaugural event!!

  4. What great news! Congratulations Amy!

  5. Well, this is just a brilliant idea! Wishing you much success! :)

  6. Congrats my dear! I am SO not surprised either :) I know you will do a wonderful job and have a successful business. Best of luck Pumpkin!
