13 January 2011

Currently reading...The Lady Queen by Nancy Goldstone

My third read of 2011 is one that has been sitting on my shelf for quite some time.  I really enjoyed Goldstone's The Four Queens: The Provencal Sisters Who Ruled Europe and really excited to dive into this one!  History plus a murder mystery....I am so there!

by Nancy Goldstone

Publication Date:  October 27, 2009


The riveting history of a beautiful queen, a shocking murder, a papal trial—and a reign as triumphant as any in the Middle Ages.  

On March 15, 1348, Joanna I , Queen of Naples, stood trial for her life before the Pope and his court in Avignon. She was twenty-two years old. Her cousin and husband, Prince Andrew of Hungary, had recently been murdered, and Joanna was the chief suspect. Determined to defend herself—Joanna won her acquittal against enormous odds. Returning to Naples, she ruled over one of Europe’s most prestigious courts for more than thirty years—until she was herself murdered. 

As courageous as Eleanor of Aquitaine, as astute and determined as Elizabeth I of England, Joanna was the only female monarch in her time to rule in her own name. She was notorious: The taint of her husband’s death never quite left her. But she was also widely admired: Dedicated to the welfare of her subjects and realm, she reduced crime, built hospitals and churches, and encouraged the licensing of women physicians. While a procession of the most important artists and writers of her day found patronage at her glittering court, the turmoil of her times swirled around her: war, plague, intrigue, and the treachery that would, ultimately, bring her down. 

As she did in her acclaimed Four Queens, Nancy Goldstone takes us back to the turbulent and colorful Middle Ages, and with skill and passion brings fully to life one of history’s most remarkable women. Her research is impeccable, her eye for detail unerring, and in The Lady Queen she paints a captivating portrait of medieval royalty in all its incandescent complexity.



  1. I recently got a copy of this one so I can't wait to hear what you think of it!

  2. Sounds fantastic. I love books about the lessor known women in history.

  3. I haven't heard of this one before, added on my TBR list!

  4. As Pricilla says nice to know about the lesser known heroines as well. I would really like to dig out this book from somewhere!

  5. Another historical figure and time period I was not familiar with. Sounds like one I'll have to put on my ever expanding Must Read List.
    Thank you for the review.

  6. Wonderful review, I've never heard of Joanne I. It's amazing she had the mind to think of others in need. I would like to know more about her. Thanks for the introduction.

  7. Just took a few minutes to really enjoy your blog. Usually, I'm on the run. You're blog is tremendously exciting. Luv it.

  8. Twenty-two! My goodness -- what a different world (in so many ways). Looking forward to this one.

  9. I'm with Tea! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! xo

  10. I can always count on you to feature fantastic books!!
    This one is definitely going on my TBR pile :) Thanks Amy.
