12 September 2010

Suddenly Sunday

Suddenly Sunday is hosted by the wonderful Svea at Confessions and Rambling of A Muse in the Fog.

Hello dear readers!  And how is this lovely Sunday finding you?  We had a few days last week of cooler weather so I am stoked about the upcoming fall season.  Georgia is so beautiful in the Autumn.  We will for sure be heading up into the north Georgia mountains once the leaves start changing and I can't wait for that!

So, it's been a few weeks since I last posted a Suddenly Sunday and a lot has been going on in my little corner of the world with my daughter starting high school.  One recent development was that I was laid off this past Thursday.  I didn't particularly enjoy my job, in fact I loathed it, but it was a paycheck ya know.  So, now back to the oh so fun chore of job hunting :(

In happier news, I've been getting a lot of reading done.  Let's see since my last SS post I managed to finish The Queen's Captive by Barbara Kyle, The de Lacy Inheritance by Elizabeth Ashworth, Dark Moon of Avalon by Anna Elliott, Wicked Company by Ciji Ware and Penelope's Daughter by Laurel Corona and I enjoyed all of them.
I am now reading The Princeling (Book Three, Morland Dynasty Series) by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles.

SYNOPSIS: The Morlands' rise to power, as tenuous as it was unexpected, now faces its greatest threat. Elizabeth I is on the throne and Protestantism is sweeping the land, threatening the position of the Catholic Morlands and forcing them to seek new spheres of influence. John, the heir, rides north to the untamed Borderlands to wed the daughter of a Northumberland cattle lord. But he finds he must first prove himself and win her heart through blood and battle. John's gentle sister Lettice is given in marriage to a ruthless Scottish baron, and in the treacherous court of Mary, Queen of Scots, she learns the fierce lessons of survival. Through birth and death, love and hatred, triumph and heartbreak, the Morlands fight to hold on to their place among England's aristocracy.

It's been giveaway galore lately and here is a listing of my current ones:

The Susan Holloway Scott Giveaway Extravaganza - Win all 5 of Susan's books, including the new release The Countess and the King!  Ends September 13th.  Click HERE to enter.

2 copies of The Queen's Captive by Barbara Kyle.  Ends September 14th.  US and Canada.  Click HERE to enter.

Win a copy of The de Lacy Inheritance by Elizabeth Ashworth.  International.  Ends September 15th.  Click HERE to enter.
Win a paperback copy of Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.  Ends September 16th.  US only.  Click HERE to enter.

2 copies of For the King's Favor by Elizabeth Chadwick.  Ends September 19th.  US and Canada.  Click HERE to enter.

I have recently had the pleasure of interviewing authors Barbara Kyle and Elizabeth Chadwick , so check those out if you are so inclined.  Future author interviews include Anna Elliott, author of Dark Moon of Avalon and Laurel Corona, author of Penelope's Daughter.  I will have giveaways for both as well!

This week I posted the official announcement for the Inaugural Author Chat Night at Passages to the Past, featuring Susan Holloway Scott.  Please note that there has been a time change.  It will now take place from 7:00 - 8:00pm EST.  I will also be posting a survey after the event to gather all of your wonderful feedback to use for future events.

Susan and I hope to see you there!!  And remember, +5 bonus entries are all yours for the SHS Mega Giveaway!

I think that covers about everything!  Please cross your fingers that I find a new job soon :)  Have a great week everyone!!



  1. Fingers crossed that you find something new soon! And that it's something you'll actually like

  2. Please tell me the Princeling is better.

  3. I"m so sorry to hear about your job Amy. In these times sometimes a job you don't like is better than not having one at all which brings its own stress. My husband was out of work for 9 months last year after getting laid off so I really feel for you. I hope you find something soon. In the meantime hang in there and look at the bright side - more time for reading!!

  4. Sorry about the job. That completely sucks. Have you ever considered waiting tables? If you work at the right place it can be fun and trust me anyone can do it. I did and I am clutzy as all get out. I will keep my fingers crossed.
    See you tomorrow night for the chat and I hope the Princeling is better than the last one.

    How did you r daughter make out the first week? Hope she is well and you too. IT's just as sressful for mom too! Have a great week! {{hugs}}

  5. I'm sorry you lost your job, even if it was one you didn't care for. Good luck in the job hunt!

  6. I am sure Amy, you will get a better job and the one u like! And whoa! you have a lot of giveaways going !
