21 September 2010

giveaway winners galore!

Okay all, it's time to spread some joy and announce some giveaway winners!! Please help me in congratulating the following winners:

#10 - Rachel W.
#31 - Terra from Yankee Romance Reviewers

#66 - Katy F. from A Few More Pages

#63 - Kelly A. from Fresh off the Shelf

#13 - Laura from Laura's Reviews

CONGRATS to all the winners!  

As always, thank you to all of you who entered and helped spread the word and to the publicists and authors who provided the giveaway copies.



  1. Congratulations to all the lucky readers.

  2. Congratulations to All the lucky Winners. These are some great books.

  3. Thank-you for the fantastic giveaway! I can't wait to read For the King's Favor!!
