08 August 2010

Suddenly Sunday

Suddenly Sunday is hosted by the wonderful Svea at Confessions and Rambling of A Muse in the Fog.

Good morning sunshines!  And how are you on this fine Sunday morning, got any good plans for the day?  Me, my day will be consisting of cooking an awesome roast with some twice-baked potatoes, reading, blogging, cleaning and chillin' with the family.  Our daughter will be starting high school (GASP!!) in a few weeks so we're trying to take advantage of the rest of the summer and spend some quality family time together.

In READING NEWS I finished The Countess and the King by Susan Holloway Scott last night.  Whoa....what a FANTABULOUS read...loved, loved, loved it!!!   I've read a lot of great books this year, but this one will be among the top 5 I can tell you that now.  Susan's writing is phenomenal and Katherine Sedley is a heroine that I think every reader will fall in love with, I know I did!

In case you missed my earlier announcement, author Susan Holloway Scott has graciously agreed to stop by Passages to the Past for an Author Chat Night for the release of this book!  I was excited before, but now I'm even more so after reading the book.  I made sure to take lots of notes so that we will have tons to talk about!  And if we run out of TCATK talk then we always have Project Runway and baseball to fall back on!  Ha!

My next read is The Miracles of Prato by Laurie Albanese and Laura Morowitz for the blog tour hosted by TLC Book Tours.  The reviews on this book are good, so I'm hopeful that I'll enjoy it!

SYNOPSIS:  Italy, 1456. The Renaissance is in glorious bloom. A Carmelite monk, the great artist Fra Filippo Lippi acts as chaplain to the nuns of the Convent Santa Margherita. It is here that he encounters the greatest temptation of his life, beautiful Lucrezia Buti, who has been driven to holy orders more by poverty than piety. In Lucrezia's flawless face Lippi sees the inspiration for countless Madonnas and he brings the young woman to his studio to serve as his model. But as painter and muse are united in an exhilarating whirl of artistic discovery, a passionate love develops, one that threatens to destroy them both even as it fuels some of Lippi's greatest work.

It's been a HUGE week here at PTTP for GIVEAWAYS!  There were 6 that were posted this week and I've got another one to post on Monday for Dracula, My Love by Syrie James.  Here are the current giveaways:

The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory.  3 copies.  Ends August 17th.
Dracula in Love by Karen Essex.  3 copies.  Ends August 21st.
The Killing Way by Tony Hays.  4 copies.  Ends August 23rd.

Thanks to everyone who's entered already and for all of you that have helped spread the word....the entries are piling up and it's going to be so much fun to see who wins what!!

I can't remember if I shared this with you yet or not, but here is the Showtime trailer for their future series The Borgias.  2011 can't come fast enough for me!

For those of you going to see the movie Eat Pray Love listen out for a new song written by the extraordinary Eddie Vedder, lead singer of Pearl Jam.  It's called Better Days and like the rest of his bibliography it's a phenomenal song!  Check it out below:

Well I think that about covers everything!  Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great rest of the weekend!



  1. Oh no Amy...you are getting me into so much hot water...lol I'm reading "To Dance w'Kings" now and LOVE it and now after your great review I can see that I'm going to have to get "The Countess and the King". I already have two of her books and was reading "Duchess" next and "Royal Harlot" is patiently waiting for me ;) WOW this month is a great one for all your giveaways and I'll add the last two to my sidebar tomorrow after you've posted. Thanks so much Amy for all your great reviews and giveaways. Fondly, Roberta

  2. I'm doing pretty much the same today, cleaning, cooking, blogging and spending time with my family. We're in the same boat then, my oldest is starting high school in a few weeks. I think I might have a mini meltdown then...lol. He's growing up too fast.

    Wow, Countess and the King sounds awesome. Visiting your blog always makes me add to my wish list.
    Enjoy your Sunday :)

  3. p.s. thanks for sharing the Eddie Vedder song. I have to watch that movie.
    and hellooooooo James Franco!

  4. I spent the day today at Sturbridge Village - today was their huge reenactment day of a battle of the American Revolution. Very cool. But now I'm hot and tired.

    I started Countess and the King and am about 60 pages in now - I can predict her getting into a lot of trouble, haha.

  5. Darn it! I can't see the trailer for the Borgias because it is US only! **tracks off to Youtube to see if someone has put it up there**

    I will be reading Miracles of Prato shortly, and you know that I am desperately trying to find the time to fit in Countess. Maybe I should chuck a sicky later in the week and just read! (nice Australian colloquialism there for you)!

  6. Another intriguing series on a premium channel we don't get. Wanted to see PILLARS OF THE EARTH too.
    Can't wait for the interview with Susan Holloway Scott about THE COUNTESS AND THE KING.
    THE MIRACLES OF PRATO sounds good.
    I can't wait to see EAT PRAY LOVE. Don't know id my Hubby will want to go. This may be a mom and daughters night out film. Thanks for the link for the song video.

  7. To quote Trish "I am peeing my oants in anticipation" of the Borgias. I LOVE Jeremy Irons. He is a phenominal actor and everything he does is so passionate and powerful. I can only imagine how the Borgias will be.
    Enjoy your week Sunshine :)
