12 July 2010

2010 Release: A Royal Likeness by Christine Trent

Fans of The Queen's Dollmaker by Christine Trent will be delighted to hear that her follow up book, A Royal Likeness, will be released on December 28, 2010.

SYNOPSIS:  As heiress to the famous Laurent Fashion Dolls business, Marguerite Ashby’s future seems secure. But France still seethes with violence in the wake of the Revolution. And when Marguerite’s husband is killed during a riot, the young widow travels to Edinburgh and becomes apprentice to her old friend, Marie Tussaud, who has established a wax exhibition.

When Prime Minister William Pitt commissions a wax figure of Admiral Nelson, Marguerite becomes immersed in a dangerous adventure—and earns the admiration of two very different men. And as Britain battles to overthrow Napoleon, Marguerite will find her loyalties under fire from all sides. With a masterful eye for details, Christine Trent brings one of history’s most fascinating eras to life in of a story of desire, ambition, treachery, and courage.



  1. So thats how it started. Must be a fascinating read.

  2. I was privileged enough to see it in manuscript form and can't wait to read it in print!!!

  3. Sounds like a winner.
    I have the Queen's Dollmaker in my teetering pile.

    I really think that a giveaway for TIME would be totally awesome!

  4. I haven't read THE QUEEN'S DOLLMAKER yet. It is at the top of my Wish List at the moment. The cover on this new one is a lovely as the first, with a richer feel.
